
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEM

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Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEM | 3.78 GB

Language: English (US)


This OS is meant for Lenovo computers only. It will be automatically activated permanently if installed on Lenovo computers only. It will not be activated if installed on any other computrs, but you still can use any other activation method to do the job.

– File : Microsoft Windows 8 Lenovo 64-bit OEM (English).
– Size : 3.78 GB
– Languages : English (US) Only. You can change language system after install in Windows Update.
– OS Bit : 64-Bit Only.

Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEMMicrosoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEM


Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEMMicrosoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEM


Microsoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEMMicrosoft Windows 8 Pro Lenovo x64 OEM

Note :
1 – This is 64-bit OS only.
2 – This product will be automatically activated if installed on Lenovo computers only.
3 – Microsoft toolkit v4.2.4 stable is included to activate the product if installed on any other computers but Lenovo ones.
5 – For those who have old Lenovo computers, you should upgrade you BIOS before using this source.
4 – Enjoy!!!


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