BatchPhoto Enterprise 是一款照片批处理编辑软件,支持润色、变换、效果处理以及转换操作,程序内置了几十种特效滤镜,可以轻松的帮你将照片做出非常出色的效果!另外程序突出的优点就是批处理功能,可以批量对照片进行特效处理!该软件支持170多个图像文件格式,包括JPG,PNG,TIFF,BMP和GIF。
BatchPhoto Enterprise 4x Multilingual | 17 MB
BatchPhoto is a powerful all-in-one photo manipulation program for Windows that lets photographers, web designers, business people, and families enhance photos quickly and efficiently. Simply select a group of photographs, and with a single operation annotate, touch-up, apply special effects, convert, resize, and rename every image in the group!
With the mass adoption of digital cameras and ever increasing storage space a new problem came along: the huge number of photos taken which need adjustments.
Editing these pictures individually is a time consuming and labor intensive task, so a new solution is needed. This is where BatchPhoto comes in with its innovative approach to editing digital photos. The program brings the power of batch processing to every digital camera owner, from novice to professional!
BatchPhoto is a powerful all-in-one photo manipulation program for Windows that lets photographers, web designers, business people, and families enhance photos quickly and efficiently. Simply select a group of photographs, and with a single operation annotate, touch-up, apply special effects, convert to different image types, resize, and rename every image in the group!
BatchPhoto Enterprise 4.0 Multilingual
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BatchPhoto Enterprise 3.5 Multilingual
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