
Drox Operative v1.016-TE

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太空题材的游戏曾经一度极为风靡,扎堆出现过像<X-Wing>、<银河飞将Wing Commander>、<自由枪骑兵Freelancer>、<家园Homeworld>等经典游戏,最近这股潮流似乎又回来了,<无尽太空>、<飞马座传奇>、<太阳帝国的原罪>以及大批独立游戏将目光放在太空。而这款<Drox Operative>就是其中之一,由Ritual Entertainment独立开发,其技术指导Steven Peeler曾经开发过许多经典的动作游戏,这是他第一次涉足太空题材。

  作为ARPG游戏,<Drox Operative>同样设定等级,随着等级提升可以扩建飞船。在银河中存在着各种文明,有些能和他们进行交易、获取任务,有些会毫不犹豫地攻击你,这8个常见的文明存在于星际轨道,形成了当地的文化。此外太空中也生存着5个‘野蛮’种族,他们游离于星球之外,在游戏初期你绝不会希望和他们狭路相逢。

  <Drox Operative>像是2D版的<自由枪骑兵>:完成你的工作,获取报酬,提升等级。当然可以看出它的野心更大,设计更为丰富,作为一款独立制作的游戏,<Drox Operative>的表现非常不错。


This is the last up to date build of Drox Operative released by scene group TE. Changelogs are available here. Enjoy.

Drox Operative is a starship action RPG with warring alien races, fierce space battles, a dynamic, evolving galaxy, and co-op multiplayer for Windows and Mac.

Eons ago the Drox ruled the galaxy through their mighty Operatives. These elite starship captains were trained to accomplish the impossible at whatever cost necessary. Whether employing stealth or brute force, they were always deadly. Using these Operatives, the Drox built a starlane system for quick travel amongst the stars, colonized and conquered millions of planets, and ruled the galaxy with an iron grip for over 100,000 years. Eventually realizing their Operatives were a threat, they attempted to assassinate all of them. They failed. The following Galactic Civil War was devastating.

Thousands of years later, the Drox are extinct, but the secretive Drox Operative guild lives on. They have learned their lesson though: loyalty to any one race is foolish. They now work for whoever can pay. And pay they do! Empires might span hundreds of planets and thousands of ships, but when a critical task arises, they still turn to an Operative.

In the new space race, the major races are scouting, colonizing, and expanding, trying to take over the galaxy by diplomacy, technology, war, or any other means their scheming minds can contemplate.

As a Drox Operative it’s NOT your job to manage all of those annoying people, build thousands of buildings, play nice with your enemies, or balance the budget. It IS your job to pick the winning side and maybe even help them conquer the galaxy if you’re being nice, more importantly though is to rake in as many credits as possible, well that and build the coolest, deadliest ship in the known universe. Not many screw with an Operative captaining a Dreadnaught!


  • Explore a dynamic and evolving galaxy
  • Explore a unique sector of the galaxy in every game, with different “monsters”, ship components, quests, and even races
  • Fight in the galactic war between the various alien races
  • Battle hundreds of different enemy starships
  • Build the coolest and deadliest starship in the galaxy
  • Outfit your ship with thousands of components and crew
  • Adventure with your friends with co-op multiplayer

Developer: Soldak Entertainment
Publisher: Soldak Entertainment
Genre: RPG

Release name: Drox.Operative.v1.016-TE
Size: 160MB in 17F
Links: Homepage 



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