骨骼系统 Premium 包含 800 多个骨性标志。这些标志是 (1) 用彩色标注在三维骨骼模型上,(2) 辅以文字说明并 (3) 配有可供学习发音的音频。该应用程序还包含能旋转、缩放、定制并保存在个人资料库内的 200 多幅预设视图。由骨组织的三维模型、滑膜关节的活动三维模型、关于病理学的插图和动画以及小测验等部分共同组成了这套关于骨骼解剖学的,犹如百科全书般完备的解剖学参考资料。
Visible Body Heart and Circulatory Premium v2.0.0 Win/MacOSX 3D心脏和循环系统高级解剖 2
Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas v3.0.1 Win/MacOSX 3D解剖系统

Skeleton Premium provides an encyclopedic reference of skeletal anatomy that is more complete than any other skeletal system app. It is the only app that provides real 3D models of each bone in the articulated skeleton, hundreds of ligaments, bone landmarks, and moving synovial joints.
What does it include?
- Fully interactive, real 3D skeleton model comprised of over 200 bones and hundreds of ligaments
- Gallery of animations and illustrations detailing bone anatomy and pathologies
- Fully interactive, real 3D animated synovial joints and bone tissue
- A quiz bank of over 500 questions
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Visible.Body.Skeleton.Premium.v2.0.0.MacOSX.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/26797489 Visible.Body.Skeleton.Premium.v2.0.0.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/26797490
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