
Battlepaths v1.5-FAS

Games/游戏 dsgsd 302浏览 0评论

FAS with another indie RPG for Windows, enjoy.

Battlepaths is a loot-centric and addictive 2D-RPG featuring neat monster hacking, an excellent loot system, and great variety in character development. Learn skills, use powerfull potions, and hunt down the Chaos Overlord. The battle begins in Babatula, the first of three big realms to explore.

Battlepaths offers a sophisticated drop system that generates countless different items along with more than 50 unique items. The character customization allows you to create a unique hero with its own strengths and weaknesses. You can build a heavy, damage dealing tank, a deadly ninja that utilizes high speed and agility to attack his victims from out of nowhere, a true master of mind who crushes his foes with powerful combinations of special abilities, or something in between.

You can choose to play in different realms that each have their own landscape and their own set of creatures. The many superior items you will find can be exchanged between different characters, one of which will eventually become the first powerful enough to face the Chaos Overlord.

Publisher: Key17Games
Developer: Key17Games
Genre: RPG

Release name: Battlepaths_v1.5-FAS
Size: 51MB in 13F
Links: Homepage 

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