
Battle Fantasia-RELOADED

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由Arc System Works开发制作的大型电玩对战格斗游戏,以剑与魔法的奇幻世界为背景,采用3D绘图来呈现2D风格的流畅画面。游戏故事叙述人们在 4 英雄的率领下打败黑暗势力,恢复光明与和平的世界分为魔法王国与蒸气帝国两大势力而繁荣兴盛。不过如今世界又再度偏离常轨,各地纷纷出现了不祥的「黑色 」…。命运,再度引导战士们踏上贯彻各自信念与理想的冒险旅程。游戏采用童话风格的美术设定,并透过3D 绘图方式来呈现如同2D手绘般的质感以及流畅的动作与表情。共收录12名登场角色,皆具备独特的 、职业与招式设定。游戏采用独特的「火热对战」系统,只要抓准对方攻击时机按下「火热钮」就可以不露破绽的挡住或拨开敌人的攻击并立刻给予反击。「热度提升」则是透过消耗 MP 的方式来强化角色能力与招式的系统。之外还包括蓄力延迟攻击招式与超必杀技等要素。本作将完整承袭原作内容,并加入众多原创要素,包括「故事模式」、「练习模式」、「联机模式」、「鉴赏模式」、「生存模式」、「竞时模式」等等,收录丰富的故事剧情与全语音演出,并支持因特网联机对战功能。

RELOADED has released the PC game “Battle Fantasia” for Windows . Enjoy

The battle of Light and Darkness has been relit once again
“Battle Fantasia”, the fantasy RPG themed 2D Fighting game is now appearing on Steam! Equipped with the latest balances and improved visual effects, fight against your foes and save the world from evil!

Live the fantasy from the arcade scene!

Use the invaluable parry system, “GACHI”, to catch your monotonous opponent off, and deliver a devastating counter attack! And, use “Heat-Up” to power-up your character for a limited time, whether it is to maximise your damage, or to create openings in your opponent’s defense! Character models are designed in 3D, and blended in to fit the 2D genre for better visual experience. Experience stunning visual effects, without losing that 2D fighting game touch!

Unfold the story of Light and Darkness

12 selectable characters, 24 total scenarios. Watch the story of each character expands with each battle, and under certain circumstances you might find yourself travelling on an unintended path..?
Unlock alternate costumes for each character as you progress with the story, and eventually that last greyed out icon* in the Character Selection menu might reveal itself!?
*Not usable in certain game modes.

Multiple game modes

Hone your skills with the Practice mode, or try aiming for the best record in Survival mode! Or, be the fastest speedrunner in Time Attack mode! You can also view the illustrations obtained from the other game modes again in the Gallery mode.

Battle against the world and stake your claim!

Fight against players at the comfort of your home! Players can choose to fight in Ranked Matches, where the wins and losses will be recorded, or they can move to Player Matches and select who to fight. Players can also create a private match under “Player Match” mode, and invite other players in.

Genre: Action
Publisher: Arc System Works
Developer: Arc System Works , DotEmu

Release name: Battle.Fantasia-RELOADED
Size: 3.24 GB
Links: SteamNFO

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