
TextureMaat – Procedural Textures Designed for C4D

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TextureMaat – Procedural Textures Designed for C4D

Title: TextureMaat – Procedural Textures Designed for C4D

Procedural texturing techniques provide the ultimate in flexibility to edit and control all aspects of a material.

For those new to MAXON’s Cinema 4D modelling and animation programme this powerful materials system
built within the programme core will give you the ability to create thousands of custom textures.
For experienced users these shaders will add to your texture library to use and edit in your 3D
production workflow.

By using the internal noise shaders in various combinations within the layer shader (ie: Wavy Turbulance,
Poxo, Naki, etc) together with Diffusion, Reflection and Bump channels. Almost anything is possible.

You can download the C4D files that contain the shaders in various ‘shader packs’ for a variety of surface
textures ready to use immediately in your 3D scenes. Each Shader pack has a optimum 3D model that
shows the shader in a standard and GI render setting. See the shader packs menu (right) for more details.

To all visitors: use the menu above and right to explore this site. Find detailed explanations of what each
shader pack contains in its material categories.

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