
OpenCanvas 6.0.15 x86/x64

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OpenCanvas 6.0.00 (x86/x64)

OpenCanvas 是一款小巧的CG手绘软件,让用户在使用数位板在电脑上绘图时,就像是在纸上手绘一样,可以画出极为细致的图像。OpenCanvas功能简捷、体积小巧、运行速度快,大家可以很快上手,非常适合入门级手绘爱好者使用。对新手更具吸引力的地方就是它的event(事件)功能可以记录绘画的整个过程,openCanvas的官方网站上有大量event资源,新手通过播放高手的event绘画过程就可以很直观地进行学习。

OpenCanvas 6.x (x86/x64) | 13 Mb

openCanvas is a painting software dedicated to Windows Operating System, that is suitable to beginners to advanced users. Equipped with analog-like brush strokes and functional yet user-friendly interface, openCanvas has the higher basic performance and the unique “Event” function that enables to record and replay the drawing procedure. Various functions and excellent performance of openCanvas strongly support visualizing your creativity. Enjoy creating an illustration with openCanvas!

Various Brushes
There are various brush types, such as a pen gives a hard line, a watercolor brush mixes colors, and many more.

Multifunction filter enables to visualize a complicated expression by hand. You can easily apply effects to an illustration by using a filter.

Transform is used not only to scale and rotate but also to skew and distort an illustration freely.

Layer Mode
22 types of Layer Mode let you express an unlimited possibility.

The editable Text Layer enables you to design various texts.

Sharpen Level
The lag caused by Sharpen Level has been improved by algorithmic correction. Smoother and more stabilized brush stroke is available.

Display control tools (move/rotate/scale) are concentrated in one spot, therefore it is more convenient than ever.

Event Function
Event function records the drawing procedure and replays it. You can see the illustration from the beginning to the end as if someone is drawing right at this moment.

Ruler lets you easily draw parallel lines, concentric circle, and concentrated lines. Perspective ruler helps you to draw background scene and buildings.

Compatible to PSD format
openCanvas is compatible to PSD(Photoshop) format.

User Interface
You can customize the interface by positioning or docking pallet windows however you like.

Layer Set
Layer Set is a folder where you can place your multiple layers for more organization.

Home Page – http://www.portalgraphics.net/en/

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