
Duke Nukem Forever Complete-PLAZA

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《永远的毁灭公爵(Duke Nukem Forever)》是Gearbox Software制作的一款第一人称射击游戏。游戏的场景依旧是在充满神秘感的外星球,那种苍茫寂廖的地方总能让人产生杀戮之心。一只只目光狰狞的怪兽向你袭来,你要作的就是举枪,射击。要消灭那些可恶的怪兽,武器是少不了的,在游戏中将会有各种各样的武器出现,除了一般的常规武器如手枪、自动步枪、狙击枪等之外,也有新武器包括火箭炮和镭射枪等等。拿着这些武器在游戏世界里冒险杀敌实在是见快乐的事。此外利用游戏中的交通工具如电雪橇、煤矿车、 喷射客机、直升机等等能够帮助玩家完成更多的高难度动作。而我们的主角Duke也可以在受伤时吃点补药救急。

画面是大家最为关心的,据说游戏采用虚幻的引擎,对于那些要求高的玩家也应该能够满意,从官方提供的截图来看,游戏的画面的确让人期待,诸如炸毁墙壁、爆破玻璃、破坏建筑等的损毁效果都会以即时的方式表现出来,而用来表现这些的各种动态光影效果也 `非常之华丽。这除了让我们在进行游戏时感到真实之外更让人充分体会血溅显示器的快感。

The King is Back! Cocked, loaded and ready for action, Duke delivers epic ass-kicking, massive weapons, giant explosions and pure unadulterated fun! Put on your shades and step into the boots of Duke Nukem. The alien hordes are invading and only Duke can save the world. Pig cops, alien shrink rays and enormous alien bosses cant stop this epic hero from accomplishing his goal: to save the world, save the babes and to be a bad-ass while doing it.

As the DLC and further updates were never released for this game, we decided to tag the release as “Complete” that includes the following downloadable content:

Pre-Order bonus
Hail to the Icons Parody Pack
The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Also as a bonus, our crack will fully unlock “My Digs” items (Multiplayer -> My Digs), “Change room” items (Multiplayer -> Change room) and all the 315 challenges (Multiplayer -> Player progression -> Challenges). If you don’t want to use that, feel free to change “UnlockDukeGoodies” to “false” inside the steam_emu.ini

Genre: Action
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games

Release name:
Links: SteamNFO

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