
DS CATIA Composer R2019

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DS CATIA Composer R2019

3DVIA Composer是 3DVIA Composer 解决方案的核心产品。作为一种桌面应用程序,可用于直接从 3D 数字产品数据创建产品文档内容。3DVIA Composer 是为非 CAD 人员设计的,不需要 CAD 知识或培训。可以按现有公司标准创建爆炸视图,并加上标签和零件序号进行注解。此外,3DVIA Composer 允许创建样式和智能视图,后两者可应用于任何内容以确保视觉效果的一致性。
使用 3DVIA Composer 的内置技术图解功能可以轻松快捷地制作 2D 线条图。输出内容包括 3D 动画以及 JPEG、SVG、CGM 等高分辨率图像。
3DVIA Sync是一种自动化工具,该工具可关联 3DVIA Composer 生成的内容与 3DCAD 数据。元数据、几何图形或产品结构中的更改可以在 3DVIA Composer 生成的内容中自动进行更新,从而确保文档的准确性和一致性。
3DVIA Safe是一种加载项实用程序,用户可用来控制和管理对 3DVIA Composer 生成的内容知识产权的访问。有了 3DVIA Safe,内容创建者可以在用3DVIA Player 播放内容时管理访问控制,还可以使用专利技术“Secure 3D Brush”防止对知识产权的复制或盗用。

3DVIA Check是一种加载项实用程序,利用该实用程序,用户能确保各种操作步骤在现实中得以执行。3DVIA Check 提供动态和静态碰撞检测,允许用户快速检验维修和装配工艺。这样,可以确保操作员能够对装配体中的零部件进行维护或修理。3DVIA Player 是一种免费产品,文件接收者可利用它来查看 3DVIA Composer 生成的文档。3DVIA Player 的高性能与 3DVIA Composer 没有什么两样。3DVIA Player 决不只是一个简单的浏览器,文件接收者可用它来获得与产品文档高度互动的体验。此外,3DVIA Player 还能嵌入到 MS Office 应用程序、HTML 和 PDF 中。

DS CATIA Composer R2019 | 1.0 Gb

The Dassault Systemes product team is pleased to announce the availability of CATIA Composer R2019. There release delivers functions implemented based on customer inputs. The resulting enhancements help improve productivity and overall user experiences even further.

What’s new in DS CATIA Composer R2019:

– UI Updates/Improvements: The following items are newly available with the latest release:
. Modernized icons for enhanced visibility
. New command search input in the ribbon
. Select Adjacent Parts
. Display of the number of actors selected
. Grouping hotspot/selection sets
. Avoid overwriting backup data (Auto Save Versioning)
. New indicator of Intelligent View at the right bottom corner
. Lock views
. Search Collaborative Actors
– More Language Support:Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish are now supported.
– Fixed Size Arrows and Red Line Display Control: New options are added in the Properties pane to fix the size of the linear arrow and show / hide red lines and construction lines for dimensions
– Occlusion on Sync: Occlusion module is integrated into Sync and Enterprise Sync
– Automatic Camera Key Creation in Animation Library: Camera keys are automatically added to the timeline while using the Animation Library. When Camera Centering is chosen as “Auto”, Composer will automatically add camera keys at the beginning and at the end of the step.
– OpenGL Update: Implemented with the latest OpenGL libraries for more stable experiences with Intel HD graphics (like Surface Pro)
– Support of CATIA V5-6 R2018 (R28): We can now import CATIA V5-6 R2018 (R28) GA files.
– Support of Creo 4.0: We can now import Pro/E Creo 4.0 files
– Better Support for SOLIDWORKS

. Manage the new Envelope object from SOLIDWORKS.
. Import PMI to enable 3D Master
. Data management with SOLIDWORKS PDM with live cycle

Product: DS CATIA Composer
Version: R2019 (build
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.3ds.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer / Server 2008 (2012)
Size: 1.0 Gb


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