
midas Gen 2019 v2.2 build 20190419

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midas Gen 2019 version 2.2 (build 20190419)midas Gen具有人性化的操作界面,并且采用了卓越的计算机显示技术,是建筑领域通用结构分析及优化设计系统。以用户为中心的便捷的输入功能,在大型模型的建模、分析及设计过程中为您提供卓越的便利性和生产性。内置了多样的分析功能和国内外规范,为您提供结构分析和建设领域最好的解决方案.
midas Gen 功能结构表:
GPU 计算:利用显卡并行计算,提升计算速度
静力分析(线性静力分析、温度应力分析)、特征值分析及反应谱分析(可考虑不同材料不同阻尼比的影响)、P-delta 分析(可考虑建筑物同时承受水平和竖向荷载时,竖向荷载在水平荷载位移上引起的附加效应)
自动网格和映射网格划分功能 适用于复杂板/异形板/开洞板的有限元网格划分
线性动力分析 结构在动力荷载作用下的弹性响应分析,可用于反应谱分析的补充计算、振动舒适度分析、多 支座激振分析及设备基础动力分析等
屈曲分析 结构在特定荷载作用下的稳定性分析,以确定导致结构失稳的临界荷载及相应的屈曲模态,可按照屈曲模态考虑结构初始缺陷并更新模型
任意截面设计器 (GSD) 适用复杂形状截面的截面特性、相关曲线、弯矩-曲率关系和应力分布的计算
混凝土预应力分析 适用于预应力梁板结构,如施加预应力的大跨度混凝土梁、体育场馆看台悬挑梁、先张法或后 张法施工的预应力构件等
七自由度单元 梁单元增加翘曲自由度,其分析结果可用于钢结构抗扭验算
软件接口 支持将 PKPM 模型导入,支持与 SAP2000 模型互导,支持与 ETABS 模型互导,支持将 Revit 模型导入,支持导出至 midas FEA 进行仿真分析,支持导出至midas GTS 进行桩土协同分析与沉降计算
动态计算书生成器 可将模型或分析结果图形、表格、图表、文本等插入到动态计算书中,模型数据被修改时,计算书中的内容也可自动更新
板单元设计 支持通用板单元设计,支持筏板设计功能;支持无梁楼盖结构的建模、分析、设计;支持板单 元的非线性分析
施工过程分析 适用于分步模拟结构受力和变形的工程,如高层建筑物的分层施工、预应力拉索结构的分批张拉、钢结构的吊装和拼装过程、大体积混凝土分层浇筑等,可考虑柱弹性压缩、弹性模量的变化、徐变和收缩,可考虑构件的建立与拆除,荷载的施加与卸载以及边界的变化等
静力弹塑性分析 可将施工阶段分析结果作为弹塑性分析的初始内力状态进行推覆分析, 以获得结构在中震或大 震作用下的薄弱位置及抗震性能等
动力弹塑性分析 适用于各种类型结构的大震时程分析,对结构在大震作用下的薄弱部位、破坏状态以及抗震性 能进行评价
几何非线性分析 适用于会出现大位移、大变形的工程,如拉索结构、张弦结构、大跨钢结构、高耸高柔结构等
边界非线性分析 即隔震和消能减震分析,适用于采用隔震支座或消能减震装置的结构,如钢屋盖与主体混凝土 结构连接处设置橡胶隔震支座、多塔连体结构在连廊处设置消能装置、或者在结构中设置粘弹 性阻尼器、防屈曲支撑(BRB)、调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)等
材料非线性分析 适用于考虑构件材料本构关系为非线性的工程,如构件极限承载力分析、钢或混凝土构件进入 塑性阶段分析、节点塑性屈服破坏分析等
midas Gen 2019 version 2.2 (build 20190419) | 1.1 Gb

The MIDAS team, develops and distributes engineering software, has released an update to midas Gen 2019, is a general-purpose structural analysis and optimal design system. The intuitive user Interface, contemporary computer graphics and powerful solver are some of the highlights of midas Gen.

About midas Gen. Modern structural design codes require that a diverse set of analyses be performed to meet local design standards. Although many structural software programs have been developed to aid with these various analyses, they are often incapable of handling every analysis type that is required. This has caused many engineers to rely on multiple specialized programs and systems.

One of midas Gen’s most powerful advantages is its ability to handle the full spectrum of structural analysis types. midas Gen’s capabilities include: construction stage analysis for the study of time dependent material properties and construction sequences, p-delta analysis for the calculation of secondary moments and deflections, buckling analysis for calculation of failure modes and compressive strengths limits, and material nonlinear analysis for displacement limit checks.

midas Gen is also equipped with advanced functions for seismic analysis. It is equipped to perform pushover analysis as well as conventional response spectrum analysis and high-end time history analysis. Thus it is the software of choice for structural engineers in seismic regions. Lastly, you can apply midas Gen not only for buildings, but also all types of structures such as industrial plants, stadiums, gymnasiums, airports, and social infrastructures. midas Gen’s remarkable analysis versatility ensures that you will be able to handle any type of structural design project that you will encounter. Many leading engineering firms have used midas Gen to expand the scope of the types of projects they pursue. It has also been used as their primary tool for structural analysis, thus enabling them to efficiently provide uniform training for engineers. This has made it much easier for engineers to work together on a single universal design platform as opposed to several specialized and incompatible programs.

This video introduce midas Gen, the integrated software of building and general structural engineering.

About MIDAS IT. MIDAS develops and distributes engineering software and provides total solution service for civil and mechanical engineering and construction. We hold the world’s top technology in the core engineering analysis fields such as computer graphics simulation, advanced analysis and optimal design. MIDAS Family Programs have been applied to all the engineering and industrial applications for the safety and economic feasibility analysis and they holds the largest market share in the world’s construction field. MIDAS has the vision to grow as the global engineering solution developer and distributor. MIDAS will continuously devote itself to create the standard technology of the world.

MIDAS IT has accomplished impracticable tasks, overcoming the difficult environment of the CAE industry in Korea. By using engineering simulation technology based on our own techniques through high-tech graphics, we have been developing as the biggest company that offers CAE software solution to the world.

Product: midas Gen
Version: 2019 version 2.2 (build 20190419)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.midasoft.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 1.1 Gb


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