Beyond Compare 是一套非常实用的文件及文件夹比较软件,不仅可以快速比较出两个文件夹的不同之处,还可以详细的比较文件之间的内容差异。程序内建了文件浏览器,方便您对文件、文件夹、压缩包、FTP网站之间的差异对比以及资料同步。您可以使用它管理程序源代码,同步文件夹,比较程序输出,及验证光盘的复制。Beyond Compare还支持脚本处理、支持插件,尤其对中文支持很好。
Scooter Beyond Compare 4.x + Portable | 9.74/12.08 Mb
Beyond Compare 3 is the ideal tool for comparing files and folders on your Windows or Linux system. Visualize changes in your code and carefully reconcile them. Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders.By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you’re interested in and ignore those you’re not.You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records.
You can compare entire drives and folders at high speed, checking just sizes and modified times.Or, thoroughly verify every file with byte-by-byte comparisons.FTP sites and zip files are integrated seamlessly, so you can update your website with the touch of a button.
Once you’ve found specific files you’re interested in, Beyond Compare can intelligently pick the best way to compare and display them.Text files can be viewed and edited with syntax highlighting and comparison rules tweaked specifically for documents, source code, and HTML.The text contents of Microsoft Word .doc and Adobe .pdf files can also be compared but not edited.Data files, executables, binary data, and images all have dedicated viewers as well, so you always have a clear view of the changes.
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