
NXPowerLite Desktop 9.1.0 MacOS

MacOSX dsgsd 185浏览 0评论

NXPowerLite Desktop是一款优秀文档减肥工具。文件过大难以通过电子邮件发送,并且浪费系统存储空间。这款软件可大大减小过大的Word、Excel、PowerPoint、JPEG和pdf文件大小。

File size: 113 MB

NXPowerLite will compress PDF, JPEG, Microsoft PowerPoint and Word files simply and effectively, making them easy to email as attachments. It is especially effective on files that don’t zip well. Optimized files stay in the same format – a PDF remains a PDF. It will look and feel identical to the original, just much smaller.

You can optimize and automatically attach files to a new email by selecting the files and using ‘Optimize and email’ in Finder.

Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.11 or later


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