
JetBrains WebStorm 2022.2 x64

Windows dsgsd 146浏览 0评论

WebStorm 是jetbrains公司旗下一款JavaScript 开发工具。被广大中国JS开发者誉为“Web前端开发神器”、“最强大的HTML5编辑器”、“最智能的JavaSscript IDE”等。

x64 | File Size: 379 MB

WebStorm brings you smart coding assistance for JavaScript and compiled-to-JavaScript languages, Node.js, HTML and CSS. Enjoy code completion, powerful navigation features, on-the-fly error detection, and refactorings for all of these languages.

Modern frameworks
WebStorm provides advanced coding assistance for Angular, React and Meteor. Enjoy support for PhoneGap, Cordova and Ionic for mobile development and develop for server-side with Node.js. All in one IDE!

Smart editor
The IDE analyzes your project to provide the best code completion results for all supported languages. Hundreds of built-in inspections report any possible issues right as you type and suggest quick-fix options.

Navigation & Search
WebStorm helps you get around your code more efficiently and save time when working with large projects. Jump to a method, function or variable definition in just one click, or search for the usages……..

System requirements
64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 10, 8
2 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended
2.5 GB hard disk space, SSD recommended
1024×768 minimum screen resolution

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