
Zuken E3.series 2021 SP2 (

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Zuken E3.series 2021 SP2 (公司宣布E3.series 2021新版发布!

E3.series 是windows系统下的电子电气绘图解决方案。


E3.series以E3 Schematic、E3 Panel、E3 CABLE为中心,整合了电气布线设计,电子工程设计,线缆制作设计,机柜设计,流体气体系统设计等模块群,所有E3模块集成在同一平台下,使用标准符号定义元件,以元件作为最小设计要素,同时具备时时验证功能,以保证生成物为无异常图纸。其追求的目标就是最大化的效率与最小化的成本。



E3.schematic主要用于原理图设计。设计人员通过使用数据库中的常用部件库和符号库进行原理图设计。在完成原理图的同时,还能生成端子台布局,连接器布局,BOM表,线缆连接表等用于制造部门使用的各类图纸,从而有效提高设 计效率。同时,E3.series简单快捷的操作方法便于学习,客户可快速上手,随学随用,缩短系统导入时间。

E3.panel 提供了机柜布局和配线的解决方案。所有E3.series的模块都整合在同一平台下。E3.panel与E3.schematic当然也不例外。E3.panel使用E3.schematic中建立的原理图连接信息与部件库中的物理数据,可快速、简单的实现机柜布局设计。并且通过E3.panel 的3D功能,可在机柜中完美显示布局结果,直观,高效的协助用户进行机柜布局的设计及优化。

另外E3.panel 中可包含自动的配线功能,通过使用原理图中的连接信息,可在机柜中自动地实现配线。

E3.cable 提供线缆设计的解决方案。通过E3.cable可对线缆制作图进行详细设计,单线、屏蔽或绞连线和线束的使用大大加强线缆的表现方式,使设计更加接近实际情况。E3.cable可对跨越不同设计页面的同一连接器实时同步更新,并提供了自动查错功能帮助设计人 员高效完成设计任务。E3.series提供开放的材料库,包括线缆颜色、直径、长度、绝缘、材料等属性可根据实际需要任意定义。

Zuken E3.series 2021 SP2 ( | 4.4 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Español, 中文, Deutsch, Français, Italiano,
日本語, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Русский, Türkçe, Svenska

Zuken announces the 2021 release of E3.series focusing on increasing user efficiency through extended functionality in connector handling, 3D control cabinet design and component database as well as API extensions enabling the creation of user-defined add-on programs and interfaces.

The enhancements, many of which were initiated as part of joint projects with major global E3.series customers, have been designed to make electrical and fluid engineering more intuitive and therefore faster, easier, and more robust.

Improved connector handling during schematic design

In the areas of schematic and cabling, the 2021 release introduces additional online checks for manually plugging connectors, complementing E3.series’ automatic selection of mating connectors from the database. If a connector is assigned or modified manually, the error checking functionality now looks up eligible mating connectors in the database and issues a warning if an incompatible connector has been selected. The checks also prevent the manual connection of plug-on-plug or socket-on-socket.

Another important extension in the schematics application addresses the handling of connectors with inserts, which combine several different connectors into a single complex component. These complex connectors can be defined in the E3.series database or dynamically with more control when the connector with inserts is configured in the E3.series project

Enhanced 3D cabinet and wire harness design

In E3.panel, the 2D/3D cabinet design module of E3.series, the creation of cabinet and panel models now requires significantly less effort. The 2D and 3D graphical representations are created automatically from an imported STEP file. These include the various side views from the 2D graphical representation along with the model dimensions. DXF files are no longer required.

A new highlight panel path command enables quick display of the routing path of a wire throughout the cabinet. The highlighted path is automatically displayed on all sheets and 3D views where the wire is represented. If a sheet is not open or active it is automatically opened so the user will not have to spend time searching for the required sheet. A more sophisticated control of the filling limits for cable ducts now allows a differentiated definition of the available space in the various segments of a cable duct. In this way, the automatic routing algorithm can allow for reserves for future changes or additional wires.

The output of 3D information for 3D mechanical CAD systems has been significantly enhanced by adding the JT format to the previously used STEP output. JT is a format that all commonly used MCAD systems can read. In addition to the graphical representation of cabinet or wire harness designs it also supports the export of the content of the cabinet or mounting plate, including all devices, mounting rails, cable ducts, and wires.

Database accessibility, reports and Application Programming Interface (API)

The relationships between components and symbols in the database can be displayed in an additional window to enable a quick and thorough overview. The new database relations window opens with a single click on a component in the database tree and displays all related information at one glance. This new display helps database admins understand the relationships between components and symbols in their database and manage them with ease.

E3.ReportGenerator is a new module within the standard E3.series configuration. With it, users can now create individual lists from E3.series without special programming or additional software. Via a graphical user interface, the layout and the content of reports can be created quickly and easily and the output can be generated in various formats. All lists can then be loaded into E3.series sheets along with their defined layout.

All new functions and commands in E3.series 2021 are also covered in the API that is included as part of the standard E3.series configuration. This interface offers many functions to access the existing data from an E3.series project and to modify or add new data. It is used by Zuken’s E3.series add-on programs and by customers and partners who use its functionality to exchange data with an E3.series project.

A powerful electrical engineering environment

E3.series is a true concurrent electrical engineering environment supporting advanced requirements for electrical documentation, cabinet and wire harness design, and manufacturing outputs. The tool suite facilitates an efficient and accurate design and manufacturing process for electrical and fluid planning, cable planning, and wire harness and cabinet layout. E3.series is widely used in the manufacturing industry to design large, complex electrical cabling, control cabinet, and wire harness designs for advanced applications in the machinery, power, automotive, transportation, and aerospace, and defense industries.

E³.series is a complete and open CAD solution for design and documentation of electrical and automation systems. It also includes integrated logic-orientated functionality for the creation of cabling and harnesses. E³.series is based upon common component databases and symbol libraries and ensures a unique representation of all elements of the circuit diagrams, to produce accurate and error-free documentation. It also allows for creation of block diagrams, under logic control, that provide an overview of all electrical and electronic elements. Connections between functional modules can be achieved using individual cores, shielded or twisted cables or bundled cables.

Quick Video Highlighting how to save your work
Zuken is a global software company delivering electrical and electronic design solutions. Founded in 1976, Zuken has a consistent track record of technology innovation and financial stability in the electronic and electrical design automation (EDA) industry. With its CR-8000 and E3.series product families, Zuken provides a robust lineup of system-level 2D/3D electrical and electronic toolsets complemented by comprehensive design data and configuration management capabilities.

Product: Zuken E³.series
Version: 2021 SP2 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.zuken.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 4.4 Gb

Zuken E3.series 2021 SP2 (



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