Golaem Crowd是一款功能强大的插件工具,这款插件的主要用途就是填充人数,在各种影视剧中,战争片里总能看到成千上万的人打仗,但在现实哪来那么多演员啊,要想演员多还得靠特技,使用Golaem Crowd添加仿真人群,才有了如今这么多千奇百怪的影视剧。
Golaem releases Golaem 8.1.4. This solution makes it easy and affordable to populate worlds with directable digital characters, from a few to thousands.
Golaem releases Golaem 8, making its crowd simulation engine available in Unreal Engine, and enhancing its already advanced Previs/Layout capabilities.
Recently awarded with an Engineering Emmy Award acknowledging its contribution to the Television industry (among other productions Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Lovecraft Country, Love Death & Robots…), Golaem stays at the bleeding edge of innovation and makes its crowd simulation features available within Unreal Engine in real-time, facilitating interactive usage and Unreal Engine based creation workflows.
Golaem 8 also increases the crowd previsualization quality inside the Maya viewport while keeping Golaem great performances.
This tutorial explains how to configure a simulation and run it into Unreal while taking environment and interactivity into account.
Golaem develops artist-friendly tools to animate digital characters. Integrated in Autodesk Maya, Golaem makes it fast and affordable to populate worlds with directable digital characters, from a few to thousands. Artists from all over the globe use Golaem to bring life to commercials, episodic productions, feature films and games.
Product: Golaem Crowd
Version: 8.1.4 with Character Pack *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://golaem.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows **
Size: 1.3 Gb
* The Character Pack is a set of ready-to-use characters and motions enabling faster crowd shots creation.
NB: the Character Pack HD only contains the HD casual and busines man, for other characters and sample scenes, install the GolaemCharacterPack
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