
Absoft Pro Fortran 2014 14.0.4 + IMSL Libraries

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Absoft Pro Fortran 2014 14.0.4 + IMSL Libraries

Absoft Fortran 是高性能的64位编译器,适用于HPC,Linux,Windows和MacOS操作系统。使用Cray/SGI技术和先进的优化技术,它能在先进的AMD64微型设备和Intel Xeon EM64T单核和多核处理器上获得最佳的性能表现。14年持续的产品革新和全球范围的测试确保了极佳的可靠性和卓越的表现。Absoft编译器支持64位或32位代码生成,并完全与各自本地环境下的系统工具兼容。 

现在Absoft Fortran的产品正在被全球排名财富2000强的公司,国家研究机构,综合性大学,政府机关,军事领域广泛应用。 

Absoft Fx3 Graphical Debugger  

Absoft Fx3 Graphical Debugger捆绑在所有Absoft Pro Fortran产品中。 

Absoft Pro Fortran 2014 14.0.4 + IMSL Libraries | PC | 380 MB

Pro Fortran 2014 builds faster code with Absoft’s Exclusive Dynamic AP Load Balancing Technology, OpenMP 3.0 support, SMP Analyzer, Tools Plug-in, New HPC Scientific & Engineering Math Library and more. Absoft’s Pro Fortran tool suite automates building extremely fast parallel code on multi-core systems. It is used by Nasa and many other world famous institutions to produce powerful applications.Compiler features include: APO, IPO, PGFDO optimizers and auto vectorization, Absoft’s exclusive Dynamic AP load balancing technology – performance increases up to 20% on multi-core systems, SMP graphical code analyzer and OpenMP 3.0 support, Absoft Window Environment (AWE), External Libraries and Tools Plug-in, expanded F2003 & F2008 support and enhanced Fx3 graphical debugger.

The Absoft IDE is the only commercial Fortran/C++ development environment designed by Fortran experts. It includes: programmer’s editor, Absoft’s SMP and Vector analyzer, Fx3 graphical debugger, SMP and MPI control features, optimized math libraries and 2D/3D graphics.

All Pro Fortran products include premier technical support directly from Absoft, Quick Fixes and Service Packs. IMSL’s highly optimized numerical and statistical libraries (1000+ routines) are a low cost bundle option. Pro Fortran is a complete solution, nothing else to buy or learn – AND it generates 20% faster code!

Absoft compilers automate building parallel code
on multi-core systems. Auto-parallelization and vectorization ensures maximum application performance. A new scheduler improves performance in 32-bit environments and SSE 4*/4.2 maximizes performance on the latest AMD 32-bit – 64-bit Opteron 12-core CPUs & Intel 64-bit Core i7-980X CPUs. Examples of using auto-parallelization and improving performance with OpenMP are included in the documentation. Scalapack and BLACS libraries are included for enhanced MPI support.
Includes the only Fortran IDE designed by Fortran experts. Absoft simplifies code development by solving the problems associated with IDEs such as Visual Studio and Xcode – excellent for C++, but with no knowledge of Fortran. The Absoft Fortran IDE supports both Fortran and C and automatically provides proper syntax sensitivity, array indexing, etc. for each language. It includes everything you need: F95 Fortran compilers, programmer’s editor, Fx3 graphical debugger, application framework, graphics and optimized math libraries in a single, easy-to-use package.


Be sure to install the “License Manager” or else the compilers will not work.

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