
Back to Bed-ALiAS

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《纪念碑谷 Monument Valley》中不可思议的架构让许多玩家感到惊叹和无法自拔。不过从《纪念碑谷》到现在已经过了很长时间,现在又有一款超现实主义解谜新作《梦游者 Back to Bed》。据悉,该作将于今年8月继PC 端发布后陆续登陆安卓与 iOS 平台。

与前者类似,《梦游者 Back to Bed》也是“匪夷所思的设计”与“梦幻般的解谜”相结合之作。虽然看上去不管是玩法抑或是建筑构造两者都相差无几,但论起游戏的困难程度,《梦游者 Back to Bed》应该还更胜一筹。

  朦胧如梦境的画面内光影明暗交错,搭配时而温暖柔和时而华丽深邃的色调,游戏有意将玩家带入一个超现实世界。在其中,玩家需要引导梦游症患者 Bob 在夜间独自游荡的时候远离危险地带并让他重返床榻。
  当然,从预告片中我们就能知道自己并不是真正的导游,而是一只由 Bob 潜意识中产生的四不像生物。尽管如此,看在主角稍有不慎就会掉落深渊的可怜劲儿上,你还是得用各种方法保证他的安全——比如说在他踩到井盖之前迅速地用一个大苹果挡住前进的道路以使他转向。除此之外,你还需要及时避开那些四处走动的讨厌闹钟,确保主角不会在梦游中被吵醒。 


  早在2011年,这部作品就作为一个获奖的学生项目进入人们视线。直 到去年,游戏开发商 Bedtime Digital 为其开启众筹并成功完成目标金额,《梦游者 Back to Bed》才终于有机会被全球玩家们认识。毫无疑问,有了“前人”开路,此作必将又引发玩家们新一轮的狂热和追捧!

A one-of-a-kind horror shocker – a game aware of your fear!

An old abandoned mansion lies at the dead end of Pineview Drive. A troubled man is standing at its gates, looking over the property. 20 years ago he had visited this estate with his wife Linda. During their stay his beloved vanished without a trace – her mysterious disappearance unresolved.

For 20 years no clues, for 20 years no peace, for 20 years this house on Pineview Drive has not relinquished its tormenting grip on him. Now, he returns in hopes of coming to terms with his nightmarish past.

The ominous legends haunting this seaside lodge have become renown. The stories abound that no one has been able to endure more than 30 days within the mansion since Linda’s disappearance. Facing a force greater than you ever imagined, you must cross the threshold and confront the evil that envelops this cryptic cottage. To solve the mystery of Linda’s disappearance and lift the veil on this troubling history, there is no time to spare.


  • Unique surreal and artistic game universe – A strange but beautiful dream universe that mixes elements from the real world and the world of dreams to create something unique, surreal and sometimes a bit scary.
  • Isometric puzzle levels – Navigate detailed 3D puzzles that defy the laws of physics, wherein the player must manipulate the strange environment to create a safe path for Bob and avoid the dangers of the puzzle.
  • Two characters as one – Play as the embodied subconsciousness, in the form of a small guardian creature, trying to save its own sleepwalking body from dangers of the the dream world.
  • Picturesque visual style – Discover the feeling of playing in a piece of art set in a digital frame. A visual style inspired by hand-painted techniques, surreal art and impossible shapes.
  • Nightmare mode – Unlock a hard mode of the game, made for those who truly want to test their puzzle solving skills and enjoy thinking many steps ahead, or who are just too stubborn to give up.

Publisher: Bedtime Digital Games
Developer: Bedtime Digital Games
Genre: Casual, Indie

Release name: Back.to.Bed-ALiAS
Size: 215B
Links: Homepage NFO

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