
Victory At Sea MacOSX-ACTiVATED

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《海上雄风 Victory at Sea》是一款设定在二战历史背景下的策略游戏。故事讲述了各国为抗击法西斯,发展海上军事力量。游戏共有大西洋、太平洋和地中海三大主战场。玩家可任选一个地区来建立、发展壮大自己的舰队。各国的舰艇特点各异,且所有舰艇的参数和外型都经过严格的史实比照设定。除此之外,一个好的指挥官是获胜不可缺少的关键因素之一,玩家在游戏中扮演指挥官,因此,作为指挥官的你要充分发挥自己的军事能力,在军舰的搭配上进行最优组合,一举歼灭敌人。


Engage in epic Real Time Strategy warfare across the Atlantic, Pacific and Mediterranean, this is naval warfare on a global scale.

It is World War II and the age of the dreadnoughts has passed and naval warfare is being dominated by Aircraft Carriers. Submarines hunt convoys like wolves and the numerous and nimble destroyers rule the oceans.

Destroy enemy battleships, torpedo enemy convoys and hunt the enemy wherever you may find them.

Advance through the naval ranks from a Captain of a Destroyer to an Admiral of a vast fleet. Win medals for your exploits, and help your chosen nation achieve victory in each campaign.


In Victory At Sea your destiny is in your hands. Once in the campaign what you do next is up to you.

  • Harass enemy shipping to starve their ports of vital supplies.
  • Destroy the enemy patrols and weaken their defences.
  • Defend your friendly convoys and keep your supply lines open.
  • Lead an assault force with landing craft to capture enemy ports.
  • Go on covert operations.
  • Complete special missions.


Publisher: Evil Twin Artworks
Developer: Evil Twin Artworks
Genre: Action, Simulation, Strategy

Release name: Victory.At.Sea.MacOSX-ACTiVATED
Size: 339MB
Links: Homepage NFO

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