CMS IntelliCAD 是一套全面的二維和三維專業繪圖軟件。 它擁有極高的Autodesk AutoCAD兼容性 及伸延性。用?可添加數以百計的第三方解決方案或編寫自己的程式,令軟件更?大更易用。
CMS IntelliCAD 價廉物美,穩定可靠,深受工程師、建築師及設計師歡迎。
CMS IntelliCAD 同時提供高兼容性的 AutoCAD 功能組, 及 LISP , ADS 和內置 Microsoft VSTA / VBA。你可原用舊有的AutoCAD 檔案和多年的軟件操作習慣,不會影響工作進度。輕輕鬆鬆,放心轉用。
CMS IntelliCAD 與 Microsoft Windows 無縫連接,並提供多項獨有高效的功能,包括以下:
* 同步工作: 你現在可同時打開多張圖紙;
* IntelliCAD Drawing Explorer? 你可”一拖一拉”,簡單快速閱讀及交換圖紙;
* 自訂 功能表或命令列: 無須編寫程式!
* ActiveX 整合: 你可將IntelliCAD 圖紙 (或部份), 附加到MicrosoftOffice或 OpenOffice 文件上。(available soon)
AutoCAD & *.dwg 支援
跟 AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT一樣, IntelliCAD 用 *.dwg 格式存檔。IntelliCAD 可開啟、修改及存檔任何DWG檔案, 不會發生數據流失或轉換錯誤。 對於舊版本的檔案支援, IntelliCAD 甚至比AutoCAD 本身還要好!
3-D 曲面設計
IntelliCAD 擁有高質量的三維繪圖能力。用?可輕鬆建立3D 曲面, 增加設計上的美感。
ACIS 3D 實體造形 (只限於專業版)
CMS IntelliCAD (專業版) 能創建、修改、導入及導出 ACIS .sat 3D實體檔案。用?更可免費安裝下載 CMS IntelliCAD Traceparts 1.0,免費得到常用的零件檔(DWG, DXF, & 3D ACIS), 數量多達一百萬。
CMS IntelliCAD v8.0.2569.0 Premium Edition + VC9 (x64) | 245 MB
CMS IntelliCAD®is the intelligent and affordable full-featured CAD Software software and is fully programmable with hundreds of third party solutions. CMS IntelliCAD also offers a full suite of 2D and 3D AutoCAD® software compatible drawing tools! choice for engineers, architects and consultants, or anyone who communicates using CAD drawings. It is designed to give you unrivaled compatibility with Autodesk® AutoCAD® software and is fully programmable with hundreds of third party solutions. CMS IntelliCAD also offers a full suite of 2D and 3D compatible drawing tools including DWG file extension native support!
Exceptional Productivity
• IntelliCAD® offers smooth Microsoft Windows integration plus many unique productivity features.
• Photorealistic 3-D Real time shading and Professional photorealistic 3D Rendering and lighting
• IntelliCAD® lets you easily create 3-D designs using the 3-D drawing tools. You can display hidden-line, shaded versions of your 3-D models or your existing 3-D libraries with a click of a button.
• CMS IntelliCAD lets you easily create 3-D designs using the 3-D drawing tools. You can display hidden-line, shaded, or fully rendered versions of your 3-D models or your existing 3-D libraries with a click of a button. You can choose professional-quality, preset options for lighting, surface materials, and backgrounds. With IntelliCAD’s sophisticated raytracing capabilities, you can produce photorealistic 3-D renderings.
Photorealistic 3-D Rendering
• IntelliCAD® fully supports Microsoft ActiveX (Not yet supported on v7.x).
• You can edit embedded ActiveX objects — including Visio Technical drawings, Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft Excel charts — contained in IntelliCAD® drawings. You can also edit IntelliCAD® drawings in-place from within any ActiveX-compatible program.
Microsoft Active X Support
• Drawing Explorer™ for managing layers, blocks, line types, and more
• With IntelliCAD®’s Drawing Explorer™, you can browse the contents of your drawings as easily as you browse files in the Windows Explorer. Open multiple drawings in the Drawing Explorer™ and then view all of the layers, blocks, linetypes, styles, views, and user coordinate systems currently in use.
• You can even copy and paste elements between drawings, or switch to a thumbnail view to preview blocks. This means you can easily make use of existing designs and drawing setups.
• “IntelliCAD® is much more intuitive than AutoCAD® software, with better on-screen hinting and help.”
Advanced layer management & tools
• IntelliCAD® 8 now provides advanced layer management commands and toolbars.
• There are a variety of new layer management enhancements in IntelliCAD 8: Layer States, Layer Filters, Layer Search Control (Layer Explorer), New Layer Properties in Explorer (Transparency, New VP Freeze), New Layer Tools Toolbar and New Layer Tools Menu.
• Layer management CMS IntelliCAD Layer tools
Graphical Block Preview
• IntelliCAD® provides the Drawing Explorer™, which lets you browse the contents of drawings as easily as you browse files in the Windows Explorer. Open multiple drawings in the Drawing Explorer and then view all of the layers, blocks, linetypes, styles, views, and coordinate systems in use.
• Within the Drawing Explorer, you can copy and paste between drawings, or switch to a thumbnail view to preview blocks.
Work with multiple open drawings (MDI)
• According to the AutoCAD® software Users Group International, the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) is one of the most requested features for AutoCAD® software. IntelliCAD® fully supports MDI. That means you can:
• Review two or more drawings at once.
• Easily copy objects from one drawing to another.
• Copy elements, such as layers, linetypes, and text styles, from one drawing to another using the Drawing Explorer.
• Load and edit drawings that appear as xref (externally referenced) drawings.
• Multiple Document Interface
• Thanks to IntelliCAD®’s MDI support, you can set up your work environment more efficiently by opening multiple drawings simultaneously in a single drawing session.
Real Time Pan & Zoom
• IntelliCAD® allows users to work with their drawings using Real Time Pan and Zoom. This functionality makes viewing and navigating around your .Autodesk® .dwg file™ format drawing files easier and more productive.
• Right-mouse click to edit properties of multiple selected entities
• With IntelliCAD®, you can modify the properties of more than one entity at a time. For example, you might use IntelliCAD®’s “Entprop” command to select all entities on a particular layer, then use the Layer text box to move those entities to another layer. You could also change all the entities in one color to another color.
Script Recorder
• Like a macro in Word, a script mimics what you type, including command names, options and coordinates. IntelliCAD® fully supports scripting. In fact, it reads and writes the same script files (.SCR) that work in AutoCAD® software.
OS – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Home Page – http://intellicadms.com/site/products.html
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