
Oxygen Forensic Suite 2014

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Oxygen Forensic Suite 2014

Oxygen Forensic Suite是一款性能出众的手机取证分析软件,采用底层的通讯协议,支持对手机基本信息、SIM卡信息、联系人列表、组信息、快速拨号、通话记录、短消息、短信中心时间戳、日历、 待办事项、文本便签、照片、视频、音频、LifeBlog 数据 (所有活动,包含地理信息)、Java 程序、手机内存和闪存卡中的文件系统数据、GPRS 和 Wi-Fi 使用记录、 录音文件等信息的获取与恢复。


· 对 Symbian 操作系统、苹果 iPhone、Android、Windows Mobile 和 RIM BlackBerry黑莓手机具有最佳的支持;
· 支持对地理位置信息和LifeBlog数据库的获取;
· 支持对智能手机扩展日志分析功能;
· 支持对Symbian 操作系统手机删除短消息的恢复;
· 支持对Windows Mobile手机中删除电话本和通话纪录的恢复;
· 支持对电话本扩展信息的获取,如联系人相片,群组信息,一键拨号,用户自定义标签等;
· 支持对网页浏览器缓存进行分析;
· 支持数据搜索功能,所有的数据根据类别进行归类,便于搜索,排序,分组,便于快速查找所需的信息;
· 目前可以支持超过3000种手机型号;

Oxygen Forensic Suite 2014 6.x Multilanguage | 219.4 MB

Oxygen Forensic® Suite retrieves numerous application data from a mobile device. In the Applications section, forensic experts view the list of pre-installed and user applications with the files created by these programs. Each application can contain valuable user data, like passwords, logs, history, files and so on. 

Section offers the following main features:
– Get logins and passwords to the app
– Find geo-location of the last run
– Inspect all used or created app files
– Know exactly when the app was used
– Access to system and user apps
– Filter apps by a certain term
– Export and print selected items

Many popular applications have a special User Data data tab where investigators find application data categorized and prepared for effective analysis.

Forensic experts can always access source files to learn how Oxygen Forensic® Suite gathers information for User Data tab or to analyze applications that were not automatically prepared. Oxygen Forensic® Suite is the only smart phone forensics software that allows analyzing Applications in such a deep and structured way.

Oxygen Forensic® Suite grants the access to popular Navigation applications and reveals POIs, routes and searches that device user made.

Skype & Messengers
Oxygen Forensic® Suite supports a lot of mobile messengers like Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber and others.

Oxygen Forensic® Suite can detect spyware apps installed on Android and Apple devices, discover and process their logs and configuration files.

Web Browsers
Oxygen Forensic® Suite supports all popular Web browsers for Android OS, Apple iOS, BlackBerry OS and Symbian OS platforms.

OS : Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 
Language : Multilingual 

Home Page – http://www.oxygen-forensic.com

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