
DS CATIA Composer 2024.1 x64 Multilingual

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CATIA Composer



您可使用 CATIA Composer 重新利用现有 3D 设计数据,以更快速创建和更新高质量产品交付成果,包括文档、技术图解、动画和交互式 3D 体验。

利用 3D 的力量,您可以为客户、合作伙伴和利益相关者提供更加清晰且易于理解的产品交流,以此显著提高其理解和保留复杂信息的能力。

CATIA Composer 还有助于在设计流程早期创建产品交付成果,同时缩短上市时间并最大程度上降低与设计变更时返工相关的成本。

CATIA Composer 易于学习和使用,它是您已熟知的 Microsoft Office、PDF 和 HTML 内容交付工具的完美补充。

File Size: 1.8 GB

Description: A Dassault Systemes product designed to create interactive guides, presentations and technical illustrations based on a 3D model of a product. With support for a wide range of file formats, CATIA Composer allows you to work with the entire product, even if it was created in different CAD systems. Work results can be saved in the native CATIA Composer format along with an automatically added free viewer, or exported to common standard data formats such as PDF, HTML, AVI and SVG…………



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