
Kazrog True Iron 1.4.2

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Kazrog True Iron 1.1.2
Kazrog True Iron 是一款高质量的模拟变压器插件,旨在为音频信号添加温暖、饱满和丰富的谐波特性。它能够模拟多种经典变压器的声音特征,广泛应用于混音 …

File size: 74.1 MB

True Iron is a new plugin made by Shane McFee in conjunction with Devin Powers (Powers Music Company). It accurately emulates two classic line transformers, known for their use in many of the biggest names in vintage analog outboard sound processing. In USA mode, True Iron emulates the UTC 108 X, and in Euro mode, the Malotki 4001B.

These transformers add weight, heft, and girth to your mixes and masters. The plugin features adjustable strength, input impedance, wet/dry ratio, and a special “Crush” control to add fat transformer saturation to tracks and buses. Plus, the CPU usage of the plugin is low enough that you can add it to every track or bus in a mix for added virtual analog warmth across your entire mix.

Two transformer emulations in one plugin – USA and Euro modes emulate classic transformers used on hit records of the last several decades.
Strength – Adjust the tendency toward nonlinearity of the transformer, continuously variable to allow boosts and cuts in warmth while maintaining the large headroom classic transformers are known for, throughout the range of the control.
Wet/Dry Mix control – Blend just as much True Iron as you want into each track and bus in your mix, to taste.
CPU Friendly – Run an instance of True Iron on every track and bus to elevate your mix without noticeably taxing your CPU.
Selectable input impedance – Unity (default) for convenient dropping into existing projects without apparent loudness changes, and boost for the most accurate emulation of the input stage of the modeled hardware.
Crush and Crush 2x – Add warm overdrive or distortion to your tracks, emulating the sound of transformers pushed beyond their intended operating range with up to +48dB of auto compensated gain.

System Requirements:
Windows 7 or higher required
VST or AAX (64 bit) compatible host required
Pro Tools 11 or higher required for AAX version
Intel i5 “Ivy Bridge” CPU or better strongly recommended

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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