
Bitvaerk File Juggler 3.1.3

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一款界面简洁,功能强大的文件管理器。它拥有许多独特的功能,可以让你保持一个整洁有序的系统。支持监视文件夹中的文件,并在文件出现时自动对其进行组织。您可以创建规则,指定应对其执行操作的文件以及应执行的操作。File Juggler可以移动,重命名,删除,复制等等。除了执行基本的文件操作之外,File Juggler可以通过文件类型自动下载文件,在执行操作时通知您,运行命令,将文本文件的内容上传至Evernote,并将文档发送到回收站。

File size: 10.1 MB

File Juggler makes it easy to create automatic workflows with files.

File Juggler makes it easy to create automatic workflows with files.

Watch your files fly magically in place
Create powerful file automation rules, and sit back and watch as your files are renamed, moved, deleted as you want. Instantly and automatically.

Automatic document organizing
Save hours of boring manual document organization. File Juggler reads the contents of your files and puts them in the right spot while you do your real job.


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