
Active@ KillDisk Ultimate 24.0.5

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Active KillDisk Ultimate KillDisk 是一个强大的和紧凑的软件,可以让你摧毁硬盘上的所有数据,SSD 和 USB 磁盘完全排除任何可能的未来恢复删除的文件和文件夹。

这是一个硬盘驱动器消毒工具和分区擦除实用程序,DoD 5220.22 M 兼容。免费软件版本支持一遍 0 删除方法。

Active@ KillDisk支持验证,批处理模式,电子邮件报告,证书定制,PC关机完成后。它还检测并重置磁盘隐藏区域 (HPA/DCO)。清除磁盘上所有未使用的空间,不触及现有数据。

USB 即插即用磁盘完全支持。可启动的磁盘创建器,允许您从 CD/DVD/USB 启动到 Windows 环境,并擦除或擦除您的系统磁盘。

Active@ KillDisk 桌面带来了一个完整的和负担得起的工业级磁盘卫生硬件解决方案的消费市场。它是高度可定制的任何情况下,支持美国国防部擦除和完全自动化操作。这个系统对于任何有很强的磁盘擦除需求的组织来说都是必需的。

File Size: 1.4 GB

KillDisk Ultimate is an easy-to use tool set that allows to sanitize storage media using more than 20 international erase methods including US DoD 5220.22 M. It erases permanently all data on Hard Disks, Solid State Drives, Memory Cards & USB disks, SCSI storage & RAID disk arrays even in parallel mode.

Ultimate version includes Windows application, separate Linux installation, Console Boot Disk (supporting Secure Erase), as well as Windows-based & Linux-based Boot Disk ISO images & universal bootable disk creator for CD/DVD/Blu-ray/USB disks. With Boot Disks you can boot up and sanitize any PC without necessity to boot computer’s Operating System first. System disk (where Windows is usually installed) can be easily sanitized this way. Powerful Command Line scripting options allow to run software in Batch Mode, providing automated operations without user interaction. Licensing policy implies no additional cost per erase!

Parallel Secure Erasing
True parallel erasing of multiple disks at the same time (limited to number of licenses purchased), more than 20 international sanitation methods

Wipes out unused space
Unused space on all disks can be wiped out by overwriting data securely more than 20 international data destruction methods

Reports & Certificates
After sanitizing completion certificates customized with company’s logo can be printed or saved in PDF and exported to XML

Disk inspection tools
Powerful disk examination tools such as File Browser & Disk Viewer give you a complete overview of volumes and low-level sectors on your disks





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