
Antares Vocal De-Esser v1.0

Windows dsgsd 68浏览 0评论

Vocal De-Esser是一款直观的低延迟人声修正处理器,采用AI辅助检测系统和机器学习引擎,有效减少人声频谱中的齿音。 插件可以在不影响人声音质或声音特性的情况下,通过检测引擎针对不需要的频率进行滤波处理,从而提供更为悦耳的整体人声效果。

8 MB

AI-Powered Sibilance Control
Smooth out harsh vocal sounds with the world’s easiest-to-use Vocal De-Esser plug-in powered by AI. Vocal De-Esser has been trained on the unique characteristics of the human voice to control sibilant sounds without compromising the performance or tone of your vocal tracks.


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