
PTC Creo x64 Multilingual

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ptc creo8.0 新增功能:
一、unite technology(联合技术)
  借助此版本中推出的联合技术,我们能帮助大家更有效地处理来自多个cad源的数据。联合技术解决了数据迁移挑战,能够轻松导入或打开非ptc cero文件,方便企业整合为单个cad平台。
  在 creo中,用户可以在需要时,按自己所需的方式,轻松转换数据。为加强与产品开发合作伙伴的协作,联合技术也提供了一些途径,便于将非ptc creo数据纳入到设计方实案中,无需创建全新cad文件并加以管理。这套功能强大、业界独有的功能有助于在整个产品开发流程,在ptc creo和非ptc creo数据之间创建和维护设计意图。此外,大家可以使用最常用的非ptc creo格式,与合作伙伴和供应商交换数据。
  二、empowering innovation(概念设计)
  ptc creo8.0的另一个主要侧重点是概念设计。为了培养创新环境,设计团队必须充分利用概念开发期间的工作,而且使用的工具还不能在这些至关重要的职能部 门之间制造障碍。在此版本中,我们改进了我们的专用概念开发工具集,进一步加强了概念设计和详细设计之间的设计意图无缝流动。
  我们增强了ptc creo layout,方便客户使用全新设计工具在概念开发期间使用2d,而且,我们通过推出并发布局,改善了可扩展性。在此版本中,ptc creo direct也取得了显著进展,它增添了更为强大的全新建模工具,改善了众多装配工作流。此外,该工具集还增加了ptc cero design exploration extension这个新成员,它有助于在ptc cero parametric内迅速、轻松的探寻替代设计概念。使用这些检查点,大家可以定期保存至关重要的设计里程碑,从而创建设计分支,而不再需要保存多个版 本的数据,同时还能在不同设计备选方案之间无缝切换。
三、core enhancements(系统内核功能增强)
  在ptc creo8.0中,我们推出了全新增强功能,并借助它们增强了功能,提高了工作效率。这些增强功能涵盖用户体验,核心建模、制造和模拟等方面,更便于大家开展日常任务,让产品开发团队和企业能够集中精力提高创新和产品质量水平。

  这 里仅列出部分增强功能,在此版本中,我们优化了用户体验,极大地改善了紧固件装配工作流,并提供了丰富的紧固件库。而随着新的ptc cero intelligent fastener extension的推出,此功能会得到进一步增强。我们还在ptc creo simulate中显著加强了触点问题分析能力。对于塑料堆件设计,我们极大的增强了模具填充模拟和拔模检查功能。此外,我们还增加了全新的3d厚度检查 功能。最后,在我们的制造解决方案中,我们推出了由客户推动的增强功能,包括改善了多任务加工同步。

File Size: 6.8 GB

The Industry’s Leading 3D CAD Software. Let’s assume you went into product design to create fantastic products. That’s your focus, what you want to do, and how you want to be remembered. With the Creo product development software suite, you can take your product from concept to digital prototype and do so with efficiency, accuracy and a measure of grace. Our software is intuitive and all works together. We’ve been at the cutting-edge of CAD for more than 30 years. Come join us.

Creo The future of product design from the leading innovator in 3D CAD. Now you can design smart, connected products and capitalize on new technologies such as additive manufacturing and augmented reality.

Creo Parametric
The flagship application in the Creo Suite, Creo Parametric is the only software you need for 3D CAD. With Creo Parametric, you can seamlessly combine parametric and direct modeling; open non-native CAD data and collaborate with almost anyone thanks to Unite technology; and relax knowing all downstream deliverables will update automatically. Combine this range of capabilities with ease-of use, and you have a product design accelerator.

From the comprehensive capabilities of Creo Parametric to applications specializing in direct modeling, Creo has what you need. Whether you need speed and flexibility to meet a deadline, or are in the initial stages of concept design, direct modeling lets you work with geometry quickly and easily.

Creo Parametric: Design your entire product using both parametric and direct modeling
Creo Direct: Interact directly with geometry. Suitable for infrequent CAD users.
Creo Options Modeler: Easily create variants of configurable products
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling: Comprehensive direct modeling capabilities

Creo Sketch: Use this free download to capture initial ideas
Creo Layout: Leverage 2D data to produce 3D models that accurately reflect design intent
Creo Schematics: Create 2D schematic designs of routed systems
Creo Elements/Direct Drafting: Meets the 2D needs of designers and engineers

Simulate early and often with software that’s easy to set up, use, and run. Now you can resolve basic design issues in engineering before handing off your product to Analysis.

Now colleagues can see your design in the file format that suits them, so design reviews are more productive and data can be reused. Fewer, better prototypes mean faster design cycles and more money in your budget.

Creo View MCAD: Intuitive viewer allows non-CAD users to see your design
Creo View ECAD: Allows the entire team to see PCB-related designs
Creo Illustrate: Create powerful 3D interactive technical illustrations
Creo View Mobile: Use your iPad or iPhone to see models created in Creo View

PTC Creo with HelpCenter

Why Creo?
Our software doesn’t produce innovation: you do. But Creo can help by giving you powerful tools all within one environment as well as choice and flexibility in how you use them.
What can you design? One customer designed an artificial heart. Another created a 1.5 ton light sculpture. Maybe your next great product is that one on your desk.



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