
Native Instruments Vintage Compressors v1.4.7.22

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VINTAGE COMPRESSORS是一套用于 GUITAR RIG 4 和免费的 GUITAR RIG PLAYER 的经典动态处理器。该产品与专业 DSP 厂商 Softube 合作开发,包含了三个最有特色尊贵的高端工作室压缩,对于各种各样的乐器以及声音它都是非常有创造性的,而且声音极其精确,复古气息浓郁。

VINTAGE COMPRESSORS 是首次发布的新领域专业工作室效果器,基于 GUITAR RIG 效果器的框架。与瑞典著名的 DSP 开发商 Softube 共同开发,Softube 是众所周知的模拟音频硬件高精确仿真厂商,VINTAGE COMPRESSORS 包含三个不同的建模:VC 76,VC 2A 和 VC 160。VC 76 擅长于鼓声和歌声,VC 2A 适合于歌声、贝司和吉他,而 VC 160 则是弦乐器和鼓声等常用的选择。

这三个模拟器与原硬件有着同样的功能集,其声音特性和复杂性都是完全忠于硬件的,经过了高级的模拟组建建模。GUITAR RIG 框架还提供了用于平行压缩的附加侧链输入与可调高通滤波以及干/湿控制,开放了更多高级的技术。这三个模拟器也可以单独购买,并与现有的 GUITAR RIG 4 或 GUITAR RIG PLAYER 无缝整合。

TCD | 22 August 2024 | 41.2 MB
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS and Softube present VINTAGE COMPRESSORS —painstakingly accurate emulations of three of the most heavily-used compressors in studio history.

The VC 76, VC 2A, and VC 160 feature a modern, clean design for intuitive usability while each maintains its own unmistakable sound. Thanks to added sidechaining and parallel compression, these VINTAGE COMPRESSORS actually improve on the originals.

The VINTAGE COMPRESSORS collection includes all three devices. Each compressor is also available separately. All effects run as native plug-ins in your host DAW.

Added Touch Screen Mode
Added Pro Tools automation shortcut
Fixed jumpy controls on 2nd screen and scaled HiDPI displays
Fixed crash when undoing instantiation in Maschine 2
Fixed crash in Wavelab on prelisten batch processing (requires current Wavelab update)
Fixed preset name error handling
Fixed A/B switch behavior in multiple instances
Fixed potential crash in Logic Pro X when exchanging plug-ins
Fixed preset change indication after reload of project
Fixed parameter reset when controlled w/ AVID and SSL controllers
Fixed AAX parameter mapping on AVID and SSL controllers
Fixed potential crash when selecting plug-in on Command|8 control surface

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