
Moment Lakeshore Afterimage, an Alexander Panos moment WAV

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Moment Lakeshore Afterimage, an Alexander Panos moment WAV screenshot FMDS | Aug 24 2024 | 464 MB

Intertwined with the stochasticity of nature, the music of Alexander Panos attempts to reconcile one’s being in the world, often discussing the mechanisms of longing and becoming. This has manifested in a collage-based approach to composition which is rooted in genres such as folk and electronica yet acousmatic in form. The hard-won release of his debut album ‘Nascent’ was met with acclaim across many spheres of electronic music, and his revolutionary ‘Color Transfer’ Max for Live devices have become staple tools for many.“I care deeply about the inherent beauty of a sound without borders and its properties as a conduit for emotion. I find myself building systems in Max/MSP as part of an improvisatory sound design process that, while technical, is fundamentally gestural. ‘Lakeshore Afterimage’ is filled with the results of these explorations. Like much of my music, its sounds are inspired by the lush littoral spaces I often commune with.” Once the sun sets, there’s a feeling that arises as the deep azure sky merges with the lake’s horizon, creating an indistinguishable boundary. It’s a formless kind of ache—alluring and difficult to describe. The pack was curated to reflect this. You’ll find many textures and phrases unfettered by metered time, mimicking the dynamic patterns of nature.”From the gleaming formants of his handcrafted harmonizer to his shattering acousmatic gestures, he offers these sounds in hopes they will help others let flow their potential for experimentation.


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