
CuteFTP Pro Multilanguage

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CuteFTP Pro

CuteFTP Pro是一个全新的商业级FTP客户端程序,其加强的文件传输系统能够完全满足今天的商家们的应用需求。这里文件通过构建于SSL或SSH2安全认证的客户机/服务器系统进行传输,为VPN、WAN、Extranet开发管理人员提供最经济的解决方案!企业再不需要为了一套安全的数据传输系统而进行破费了。此外,CuteFTP Pro还提供了Sophisticated Scripting、目录同步、自动排程、同时多站点连接、多协议支持(FTP、SFTP、HTTP、HTTPS)、智能覆盖、整合的HTML编辑器等功能特点以及更加快速的文件传输系统。



CuteFTP Pro Multilanguage | 21.6 MB

CuteFTP is a powerful FTP client that allows you to upload files on a FTP server with just a few clicks. With a multi-panel interface that helps you browse local files, but also the ones stored on the server, CuteFTP is addressed to both rookies and more experienced users, boasting at the same time a comprehensive help file with tons of information.

A new version of CuteFTP has just been released and now the world’s favorite FTP client is better than ever. Along with general performance improvements, we’ve added several key features. From mobility to global communication to top-notch security, CuteFTP does it all!

What’s New in CuteFTP Version 9
– Consolidation of CuteFTP Lite, Home and Pro
– CuteFTP has been consolidated into one, powerful FTP client. The new CuteFTP v9 has all the power and security you’ve come to expect in Pro plus the new critical enhancements.
– Addition of TappIn, a Secure Mobile File Sharing Application
– With TappIn, you can securely access and share files on your computer to any other device: iPad, iPhone, Android, laptop, desktop, Mac, or Kindle Fire. This addition of a non-cloud file sharing solution gives you the flexibility to share files with others who may not have access to an FTP client. A sample TappIn connection will be included by default.
– Support for UNICODE Character Set
– CuteFTP v9 supports the UTF-8 character set throughout the product.
– Migration of Sites and Options
– Sites and Global Options settings in previous installation will be automatically migrated during upgrade.
– WebDAV Support
– CuteFTP v9 includes support for the WebDAV protocol in order to provide additional possible endpoints for CuteFTP.
– Improved context-sensitive help

Of course, CuteFTP v9 has all of the other key features that you love:
– Comprehensive protocol options, including FTP/S (SSL), HTTP/S (SSL), SFTP(SSH2)
– OpenPGP encryption, One Time Password authentication protocol, and Password Manager
– Schedule fast, fully-automated transfers
– Safely backup or synchronize your sites
– Easily monitor local folders for changes
– Create labor and time saving scripts and macros
– Create podcast RSS feeds and manage audio files
– Connect to new sites in a snap with step-by-step wizards
– Painlessly edit remote documents with a built-in editor
– Drag and drop files for fast and easy movement – up to 100 concurrent transfers
– View thumbnails of remote images
– Securely work with multiple remote sites at one time

Home Page – http://www.cuteftp.com


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