
Tecplot RS 2013 v2013.1.0.39214 x86/x64

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Tecplot RS 2010 R2 v2010.1.2.10744 x86/x64

Tecplot RS ——油藏数值模拟可视化和分析工具

对于那些希望更快的理解油藏数据数值模拟结果的工程师们,Tecplot是一款专业能够帮助他们提高效率的可视化分析软件。用户可以选择利用线形图、2D截面图或3D网格图进行数据分析。可以说,在同类后处理软件中,Tecplot RS是最易使用同时可视化输出功能最强的一款软件。Tecplot RS将您的所有油藏数值模拟数据和观测数据汇总到一起,使得您能够更加快速的对数据进行分析、对比。


Tecplot RS 2013 v2013.1.0.39214 x86/x64 | 101MB / 123.3 MB

For Engineers who want to have more confidence in understanding reservoir simulation results, Tecplot RS is a specialized visualization and analysis tool that brings all your reservoir simulation and observed data together into one unified environment. This easy to use, post-processing tool enables you to rapidly explore, compare, and understand your data, and produces visually powerful output to communicate your results. New version adds interactive grid comparisons, faster loaders with more options, and more line style sets.

New features include:
– Grid Solutions Comparison Feature. A new capability for 2D and 3D grid plots lets you interactively compare up to four different grid solutions in a side-by-side view. The solutions are synchronized in time and space to allow simultaneous animations. The grids are not required to be identical, and the solutions may come from different reservoir simulators. A “Delta” option lets you display the difference between the reference solution and the comparison solutions.
– Faster Loading of CMG Data. Enhancements to the data loaders for CMG simulator output files have resulted in significant speed-ups.
– New CMG Loader Option for Derived Variables. A new option is available for the CMG data loader to provide derived variables including ratios such as Gas-Oil Ratio.
More line style sets. Users can now modify and save up to 100 unique style sets for use when comparing numerous simulation runs.

Reservoir engineers typically make dozens if not hundreds of reservoir simulation runs where model properties or operating conditions are changed. Confidence in these models can be improved by running the same model with different reservoir simulators. Directly comparing different simulation runs lets engineers make better decisions because they better understand the influences on the dynamics of reservoir fluids.

Home Page – http://www.tecplot.com/


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