HEXPRESS™/Hybrid 可自动生成任意复杂三维几何体的全六面体非结构网格。可直接输入多种作图软件的数据,并对其有自动修补动能。是NUMECA公司专门针对异常复杂模型开发的快速、高效网格生成器。采用全球先进的并行网格生成技术,通过八叉树的网格划分方法生成包含六面体(主要)和四面体的混合网格,并自动生成高质量的边界层网格,其集成的自动包装技术和洞搜索技术可有效避免大量的CAD清理和修补过程,从而实现复杂模型快速、高自动化、高质量的网格生成。
- 针对任意复杂的几何模型生成高质量的混合网格:内流/外流,CFD和FEM网格
- 根据用户需求进行全边吸附
- 自动完成CAD模型的清理、补洞等修复
- 狭小缝隙和重叠自动修补
- 大的缝隙采用HoleSearcher进行检测和修补
- 根据用户指定细化级别给出几何捕捉详尽信息
- 先进的并行网格生成技术(SMP共享内存)
- 图形用户界面全脚本化
- 采用平滑过渡实现灵活的边界层插入
- 体网格划分,纯四面体,纯六面体或其混合
- 网格变形
- 一步实现相似几何模型的网格划分
- 可划分狭小细面(如进气道等)
HEXPRESS™/Hybrid 的特性适用于广泛的工业领域:
- 汽车初期设计、外流场分析、热管理等计算
- 火车、货车和汽车生产商
- 工业、农业和建筑机械
- 石油天然气工业
- 集成旋转机械和飞行器行业
- 环境模拟
- 电子工业
HEXPRESS/Hybrid is the latest of NUMECA’s meshing tools designed for meshing complex geometries starting from unclean CAD data. The tool produces unstructured hex-dominant conformal meshes in parallel, including high quality viscous layers. The integrated automatic wrapping technology and the HoleSearcher allow the user to avoid the time spent on CAD cleaning and repairing, thus significantly reducing the engineering time spent on the generation of a mesh. This enables the user to obtain a mesh in a matter of hours instead of days/weeks.
Key features include:
– Mesh arbitrarily complex shapes: internal/external, CFD & FEM grids
– Full edge capturing on user request
– Robust and integrated CAD cleaning and hole closing
– Small gaps and overlaps automatically resolved
– Large gaps detected and closed with the HoleSearcher
– Details in the geometry are captured according to user-specified level of refinement
– Full Parallel Meshing (SMP shared memory)
– Batch or Interactive GUI-fully scriptable
– Flexible viscous layers insertion with smooth transition
– Volume mesh, pure Tets, pure Hex or Hybrid
– Mesh deformation
– Meshing of multiple volumes with coincident node in one step
– Can mesh thin-surfaces (heatshields, exhaust pipes, etc).
About Numeca International Inc.
NUMECA International is a worldwide provider of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and consulting services. NUMECA software is used for the simulation, design, and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer. It is used by product developers, design, and research engineers, allowing them to reach superior product quality and performances at a reduced engineering cost.
NUMECA International’s corporate headquarters are located in Brussels, with offices, resellers, and service centers in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain, and the USA. The company won the “Grand Prix Entreprendre 2000” from the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its success in exporting high tech products worldwide.
Version: 2.12-3
Home: www.numeca.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7 / 8 (X32/X64)and Linux (X64)
Size: 1.4 Gb
Special Thanks SSQ & RG Engineer
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http://uploaded.net/file/zyi5ifoq/NUMECA_HEXPRESS_HYBRID_2.12.3.part1.rar http://uploaded.net/file/7lbm14ex/NUMECA_HEXPRESS_HYBRID_2.12.3.part2.rar http://uploaded.net/file/piat68zc/NUMECA_HEXPRESS_HYBRID_2.12.3.part3.rar
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