Proxy Switcher 是一款强大的代理搜索、测试和管理软件 ,它可以从网上自动下载代理列表(同时可显示代理服务器所在的国家),并分析其是否可用。使用 Proxy Switcher 可以帮助你免除在浏览器中手动设置代理的繁琐操作 ,通过在软件的代理管理器中将可用代理添加到 [代理转接] 类别后,如果要切换代理,只需右键单击系统托盘处的软件图标并在弹出菜单中选择相应的代理服务器地址即可,非常方便。 Proxy Switcher 支持所有基于 IE 内核的浏览器以及其它第三方浏览器(如 Mozilla、FireFox),同时还支持 LAN、VPN、普通拨号上网等各种接入方式
There are times when you have to cloak your true IP address. It might be that you want to remain anonymous when you visit a particular website. Or your access to various social networking and entertainment sites has been blocked. The solution is to use Proxy Switcher for all the anonymous browsing needs. It can be used to avoid all sorts of limitations imposed by various sites. Be that a download site that limits amount of downloads. Or video site works only in a particular country – more often than not it gets defeated by the anonymous browsing features Proxy Switcher provides.
Home Page – http://www.proxyswitcher.com
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