
Sample Modeling The Soprano and Bass Clarinets v1.0.3 x32 x64 WiN/MAC 单簧管音源

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是的,就像之前的Samplemodeling乐器一样,但是采用了专有平台上的新技术,SWAM 引擎。SWAM是Synchronous Wavelength Acoustic Modeling的缩写,由Stefano Lucato开发。

单簧管软音源使用职业演奏家在顶级录音环境下录制的大动态范围的采样,因此具有真正的单簧管音色。但与一般乐器采样库不同的 是,我们底层的专有技术,可以在不 同时间,力度,音高和共振之间的连续插值。我们先进的即时处理技术使连奏/滑音,颤音,超吹,装饰音及连续弯音,双音,吼叫音和舌音能被实时演奏。


the graphical interfacethe graphical interface

与 其它Samplemodeling运行在NI Kontakt上的乐器不同,单簧管软音源使用独立引擎的插件,可以在PC(宿主支持32或64位VST插件)或Mac运行(宿主支持32/64位AU或 VST插件)。目前不支持RTAS。在 PC上独立运行可以使用免费的Hermann Seib的SaviHost宿主软件。其它的VST宿主,尽管可能不是免费的,可以在这儿找到: http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php



Sample Modeling The Soprano and Bass Clarinets v1.0.3 x32 x64

WiN Incl.Keygen: 262 Mb | Mac Incl.Keygen: 272 Mb

The Clarinets use samples as a base material, chromatically performed by a professional player over a very wide dynamic range, and recorded with state-of-the-art technology. The resulting timbre is therefore that of the real instrument. But the analogy with a sample based library ends here. The underlying, proprietary technology allows continuous interpolation among different vectors like time, dynamics, pitch and formants. Advanced real time processing techniques yield realistic legato/portamento, vibrato, overblow, ornamentations & trills with phase continuity, constant-formant pitchbends, subharmonics, growl and flutter tongue to be performed in real time.

Background philosophy
Stefano’s idea is to create realistic musical instruments. The timbral properties should be indistinguishable from real clarinets. They must be played as real instruments, using a keyboard or a wind controller, plus three or four midi controllers, including an expression pedal or breath controller. All articulations are easily shaped by the player, even in real time, using just velocity, pitchwheel, modwheel, an expression pedal or breath controller, a sustain pedal, plus some optional CCs to control overblow, subharmonics, growl and flutter tongue. Virtually any wind controller can be used to play these instruments.

The controllers (CCs)
Real time control of most parameters can be accomplished via midi. The Clarinets exploit several MIDI controllers for optimal performance. The basic controllers are the Pitchwheel, CC11 (or CC7, or CC2) for the dynamics, CC1 (modwheel) for vibrato intensity, CC19 for vibrato rate. Portamento time can be assigned either to the velocity of the overlapped note or to any CC. Special effects are key noise (CC9), Subharmonic intensity (CC20), Growl (CC21), Flutter Tongue (CC23) and Overblow (CC64). Channel aftertouch (CC129) can be used to control several parameters, such as vibrato intensity or rate, subharmonic, growl or flutter intensity.

The graphical interface (GUI)
Here you can modify the default settings for several parameters. You may vary timbre, harmonic structure and formants, choose type of attack, set the intensity of set the intensity of subharmonic, growl, flutter tongue, key noise, and breath noise. You may control random pitch and dynamics fluctuations, pitch response to dynamic changes, overall resonance of the pipe, subharmonic intensity on transitions, release and portamento time. You may also set transposition, master tune, pitchbend response, volume, pan, dynamic compression, intensity and decay of the built-in reverb. A downward fall can be triggered by pressing a button, as well as from a keyswitch or a MIDI 

Activation instructions

1. Install The Clarinets.
2. Make the computer offline. Otherwise online activation don’t launch.
3. Run the plugin. Offiline activation starts.
4. Run R2R KeyGen on Windows and Copy SystemID to keygen.
5. Generate License Key and Activation Code.
6. Activate the plugin.
7 .You need to do the same things for all 4 plugins.
8. Use firewall to block outgoing connection or add http://www.swamengine.com
to your ‘hosts’ file

Download 城通网盘
SmpMdSprBssClrnt103x32x64Mac.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/28405263

Download 百度云

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