CorelDRAW® Technical Suite X6(之前称作 Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite)将 Corel DESIGNER 的技术绘图工具与 CorelDRAW 的图形设计功能相结合,为您提供了完整的视觉沟通解决方案。借助全新功能处理各种技术沟通项目,从复杂的培训手册和错综的零件目录到详细的说明书和更多内容。
CorelDRAW Technical Suite X6 支持 CAD 制图(AutoCAD DWG 和 DXF)、旧文件和图像等,因此能够确保您的信息可以所有行业领先的格式进行交付或再利用。尽情享用内置的三维再利用以及用于添加三维 CAD 支持和高级三维可视化的选项。
借助对 100 多种领先文件格式(包括 WebCGM 2.x 和 S1000D、Microsoft Visio (VSD)、Microsoft Publisher、SVG、DOCX、EPS、TIFF、PDF 等)的增强支持,可创建和交付标准化的技术文档,并自信地与客户交换文件。
告别处理大型文件时产生的缓慢响应。本地 64 位支持可为您提供大幅提升的性能,而增强的多核处理器支持可在同时处理多个项目、导入和导出文件或处理大型文件时最大程度地提高效率。
- Microsoft Windows 8(32 位或 64 位版本)、Microsoft Windows 7(32 位或 64 位版本)或 Windows XP(32 位),均安装有最新的 Service Pack
- Intel Pentium 4、AMD Athlon 64 或 AMD Opteron
- 1 GB RAM(Windows 64 位上为 2 GB RAM)
- 1.5 GB 硬盘空间(适用于不含内容的典型安装,安装期间可能需要额外的磁盘空间)
- 鼠标或手写板
- 1024 x 768 屏幕分辨率
- DVD 驱动器
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 或更高版本
CorelDRAW® Technical Suite X6 (formerly known as Corel DESIGNER® Technical Suite) combines the technical drawing tools of Corel DESIGNER with the graphic design power of CorelDRAW to give you a complete visual communication solution. Take advantage of all-new features to tackle a wide range of technical communication projects, from complex training manuals and intricate parts catalogs to detailed instruction sheets and more.
What’s included
• Corel DESIGNER® X6 – precision illustration and technical design software
• CorelDRAW® X6 – creative vector illustration and page-layout application
• Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ X6 – easy-to-use, professional image-editing application
• Corel® PowerTRACE® X6 – fast, accurate bitmap-to-vector conversion tool
• Corel® CAPTURE® X6 – one-click screen capture utility
• Corel® CONNECT™ – full-screen browser for searching digital content from your computer, network, external storage device or online sources
• Corel® Website Creator™ X6* – build websites, design web pages and manage web content
• XVL Studio 3D Corel Edition – 3D visualization authoring software
• XVL Player – 3D embedding and viewing component
• Microsoft® Visual Studio® Tools for Applications (VSTA) and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) – powerful automation tools
• PhotoZoom Pro 2** – photo enlarger plug-in for Corel PHOTO-PAINT
Home Page – http://www.corel.com/
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