
AVL Fire 2013.1 Win/Linux 发动机性能模拟仿真分析软件

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FIRE 不仅能求解通用流动问题, 也能求解最复杂的内燃机缸内流动和 燃烧等现象的CFD软件。FIRE 在求解瞬态复杂流动方面的优势使其在求解普通流动方面更是得心易手。它的开发和应用结合了AVL多年来研发各类发动机的经验。是一款强大的流体力学分析软体。

除了具备当前市面上其它通用CFD软件所具有的功能外, AVL FIRE软件还有如下几个方面的优势及特点:

* 采用最先进的以网格面为基准的适用于任意形状多面体网格的求解技术,是当前CFD软件中第一个采用这种技术的;其它软件如Star-CD也将在下一版本中开始使用这种算法;

* FIRE所提供的湍流模型中除通用的模型外,还有AVL提出的复合湍流模型-结合了k- 模型的快速稳定性及RSM模型的高精度。

* FIRE多相流模型在同类软件中具有最高水平,体现在以下几个方面:
. 真正的“多”相:允许任意多个相并考虑相与相之间的相互作用;
. 可将二流体与VOF方法结合起来;
. 可处理考虑体积力的相变过程如淬火过程;
. 对两个或多相中每相的处理完全是公平的。例如:对每相的湍流模拟是独立的,同时又考虑各相间湍流的交互作用。Star-CD的处理则不同,需要事先定义离散的相和连续的相,然后用简化的方式计算离散相的湍流;
. 在穴蚀模拟方面有丰富的经验;

* FIRE软件所带有的多个喷雾,燃烧模型适用范围之广,被认证的算例之多在同行是受到公认的。结合先进的多相流技术,FIRE不断推出新的更准确的喷雾模拟技术,如将喷嘴内多相流计算与缸内喷射模拟结合起来。

* 手段高超的结果处理器
FIRE的后处理功能完备,简单易用。除常有的工具外,还有“电影导演”, 能直接在界面上以电影形式演示三维瞬态分析结果,然后可存成通用movie文件格式,这是其它软件所没有的。用户可充分发挥其创造性,做出的结果显示图既能科学地揭示所研究的现象和机理,亦能获得高超的视觉效果。

* 数据接口及并行计算

 AVL Fire 2013.1|5.13Gb

FIRE is a powerful multi-purpose thermo-fluid dynamics software with a particular focus on handling fluid flow applications related to internal combustion engines and powertrains.

We provide CFD software tailored to meet the requirements of automotive research and development teams: fast and easy to use with adjustable modeling depth, user extendable, ready for integration in your CAx environment – specialized in accurate prediction of the most demanding flow problems in respect to geometric complexity and chemical and physical modeling. 

FIRE offers a comprehensive computational fluid dynamics solution: apowerful set of modules, features and capabilities, pre-and post-processing integrated in a common environment and workflows and methods effectively supporting the use of the software to solve any problem accurately.

More info: this


About AVL List GMbH

AVL is the world’s largest independent company for the development of powertrain systems with internal combustion engines as well as instrumentation and test systems. AVL is acting in the following scopes of business:

Development of Powertrain Systems: AVL develops and improves all kinds of powertrain systems and is a competent partner to the engine and automotive industry.

Simulation: In addition AVL develops and markets the simulation methods which are necessary for the development work.

Engine Instrumentation and Test Systems: The products of this business area comprise all the instruments and systems required for engine and vehicle testing.

Name: AVL Fire
Version: 2013.1
Home: www.avl.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows / Linux (RHEL, SLES, Ubuntu 12.04)
Size: 5.13 Gb

AVL Fire 2013.1 Win/Linux(X32/X64) | vafir131WI=Windows  vafir131LI=Linux

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