
MedCalc 15.8

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MedCalc 15.2 (x86)

MedCalc 是一个专门为医学工作者设计的医学计算器,功能齐全。它可以帮助医生快速作出普通的医学计算,从而对症下药。提供超过76种常用的规则和方法,包括:病人数据、单位参数、费用计算等等。

MedCalc 15.2 (x86) | 16 MB

MedCalc is a complete statistical program for Windows designed to closely match the requirements of biomedical researchers. It is fast, user-friendly and reliable. MedCalc is the most user-friendly software for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC curves) analysis. The MedCalc ROC module includes comparison of up to 6 ROC curves. The software also includes Bland & Altman plot, Passing and Bablok and Deming regression for method comparison studies.

MedCalc for Windows description

• Data management
• Integrated spreadsheet with 16384 columns and up to 100000 rows.
• Correct handling of missing data.
• Outliers can easily be excluded.
• Built-in WYSIWYG text editor.
• Imports Excel, Excel 2007, SPSS, DBase and Lotus files, and files in SYLK, DIF or plain text format.
• Easy selection of subgroups for statistical analysis.

• Comprehensive help file.
• Manual in PDF format (go to download area).
• Complete HTML manual on MedCalc web site.
• Context help in dialog boxes.

ROC curve analysis
• Area under the curve (AUC) with standard error, 95% confidence interval, P-value. Offers choice between methodology of DeLong et al. (1988) and Hanley & McNeil (1982, 1983).
• List of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and positive and negative predictive values for all possible threshold values.
• ROC curve graph with 95% Confidence Bounds.
• Threshold values can be selected in an interactive dot diagram with automatic calculation of corresponding sensitivity and specificity.
• Plot of sensitivity and specificity versus criterion values.
• Interval likelihood ratios.
• Comparison of up to 6 ROC curves: difference between the areas under the ROC curves, with standard error, 95% confidence interval and P-value.
• Sample size calculation for area under ROC curve and comparison of ROC curves.
• Go to the ROC curve analysis section of the MedCalc manual for more information on ROC curve analysis in MedCalc.

• Lots of graphs, see Graph gallery.
• Data point identification in graphs.
• Draw text boxes, lines, arrows and connectors.
• Name, save and recall graphs and statistics.
• Statistical info in graph windows.
• Save graphs as BMP, PNG, GIF, PCX, JPG or TIF files, or as PowerPoint slides (*.pptx).

System requirements
• PC with Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit versions).
• 512 Mb of memory.
• 20 Mb free space on the hard disk.

What’s New in This Release:

Some revisions in the user-interface.
New multilingual interface with choice of different languages for user interface and output:
user interface: the language that is used in menus, dialogs, and other user interface elements.
output: the language that is used in reports and graphs. 
The available languages are: English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish. To select a different language you go to Tools menu ⇾ Options where you can select your language in the Language section.
The help file and software documentation are available in English only.

MedCalc (x86)MedCalc (x86)

Home Page – http://www.medcalc.org

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