
Stardock Start8 1.56 Win8 开始菜单增强工具

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Stardock Start8 是一款著名的 Stardock 软件商推出的 Windows8 开始菜单功能增强工具!

Windows 8 取消了开始按钮和开始菜单,令部分用户感到困惑和不解。不过别担心,知名的第三方美化软件厂商 Stardock 已经提供软件帮你解除这个烦恼。

在安装并启用 Start8 之后,Windows 8 的开始菜单便神奇般的出现了,你可以通过在开始按钮上点击右键来实现定制:你可以定制开始按钮的样式,开始菜单的风格;可以通过此菜单把应用PIN到Metro开始屏幕;可以定制开始按钮点击后的功能;定制Win键等等。

Stardock Start8  | 6.7 Mb

Microsoft Windows 8 is shipped without the “Start” menu. Stardock heard the cries from Windows 8 users. We put the “Start” menu back in Windows 8. We accurately recreated the most used desktop feature billions of users depend on every day and packed it with additional functionality.

Return the Start Button to Windows 8

Windows 7-style Start menu with Windows 8 enhancements
– Search for Windows 8-style (Modern UI) apps
– Pin desktop and Metro apps to the start menu
– Jump List support
– Unified Search for apps, settings and files
– Boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop
– One click access to shut down, devices, music, documents, and videos

Home Page – http://www.stardock.com/

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