
aSc TimeTables 2016.8.3 Multilingual

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aSc TimeTables这款程序能够帮助你轻松、快速的创建出包含大量班级与教师的完整课程表,甚至还允许你限制教师的每周工作时间。程序覆盖了所有特殊分配情况,比如给同一节课安排多名教师。




TimeTables全面考虑了你将要面对的一切问题,它还为你准备了一个用来管理教师缺勤、代课情况的小功能——aSc Substitutions,它可以生成月度及年度缺勤报告、根据课程类型管理代课情况。

aSc TimeTables 2016.3.2 Multilingual | 21.90 Mb
aSc TimeTables is built as the only timetabling solution that can generate school timetable up to the last card.You should check the Tutorial first as it shows you the basics of the software and you can quickly get info on what the software can do and where to find it.

Simple data entry
It is quick and easy to enter all subjects, classes, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. The application also enables creating all specific divisions of classes into groups. It is possible to unite more classes into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson.The tutorial is an important part of the program. Mr. Schoolover will teach you how to enter data, generate, verify and print timetables.

Automatic generating
In few minutes, the program generates a complete timetable that fulfils all your requirements. The program follows all psycho hygienic and organizational requirements such as:
– The minimization of gaps in teachers’ schedules, the limitation of maximal number of gaps in teachers’ schedules, as well as the limitation of days, when teachers teach.
– Classes of a subject has to be distributed equably in the entire week.
– Verification of succession of entire and divided classes.
– Placing lessons into allowed classrooms.
– And many more…

Verification of the timetable
The program verifies the data entered and helps you remove standard entry errors. It also verifies, whether the created timetable fulfils all conditions. You can make changes to the timetable, and the program notifies you, in case of illegal changes.

Complete print
You can print your timetable. The program automatically creates timetables for each class, teacher or classroom. It creates summary timetables of classes, teachers or classrooms for the entire school. Once printed it helps you easily assign substituting teachers when necessary. You can specify which classes, teachers or classrooms you want to print in each summary timetable.

Intuitive control
You can change the timetable by moving classes with the mouse. The program prevents you from making illegal changes, and it shows you when the teachers have free time in the timetable. In case you are not satisfied with the changes you have made you can undo the last 100 operations by using Undo and Redo buttons.

aSc Substitutions
The program aSc Substitutions helps you solve everyday problems with substitutions of missing teachers. The program creates monthly and yearly reports of missing teachers and substitutions. It also computes overtime for every teacher.

Home Pagehttp://www.asctimetables.com/

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