
Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars-OUTLAWS

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《蕾丝火星蜘蛛女王(Lesbian Spider-Queens of Mars)》是一个受经典的游戏《Wizard of Wor》启发而开发的2D电脑游戏,在游戏中玩家控制着八只脚的君主来阻止企图推翻她的权力的奴隶起义。玩家可以利用女王的蜘蛛丝来对奴隶设陷阱。蜘蛛皇后对向自己面对的方向自动地喷射蜘蛛丝,玩家必须在被囚禁的犯人逃跑之前将他们抓住,因为他们如果从你的蜘蛛网里逃脱的话会进化成更快速和险恶的版本。


Description: rebellion on mars! the spider-queen’s harem of consensual slaves are up in arms and it’s up to her to recapture them, armed with a magical staff that fires bondage lasers. LESBIAN SPIDER-QUEENS OF MARS is a simple game, but a fast and difficult one, a one-handed game, playable with just the arrow keys.

this is the TOTALLY UNCENSORED version of the game, and is not recommended for people who are uncomfortable with the thought of a half-human half-arachnid space dominatrix eschewing a bra.

lesbian spider-queens is a game by ANNA ANTHROPY, and features art by MARIEL KINUKO CARTWRIGHT, lead animator of skullgirls, and music by AMON26, creator of gyossait and all of our friends are dead.

Release Name: Lesbian.Spider-Queens.of.Mars-OUTLAWS
Size: 4,94 MB

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