
Doodle God Genesis Secrets v1.0-TE

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《涂鸦上帝》 是JoyBits公司开发的多平台休闲游戏。在现实生活中,我们常常会找不到存在感,但是游戏中你将可以扮演上帝的角色,玩家要做的是利用风、火、土、水四种基本元素相互结合,产生新的元素,并且最终创造出一整个世界。

Description: Of course the universe was not created in a day. YouÆll have to work your up from a simple microorganism to create animals,tools, storms and even build armies before you have what it takes to build the universe! But beware, the power of creation may have unintended consequences, inventing the wheel might just trigger a zombie plagueà DonÆt worry, you are not alone on this cosmic journey! Every time you successfully create a new item youÆll be rewarded with the wit and wisdom of some of the greatest philosophers and comedians of all time. Unleash your inner god with Doodle GodÖ: Genesis Secrets!


  • Mold fire, wind, earth and air to create the Universe
  • Create 300+ advanced items and concepts
  • Intuitive one-click game play encourages thoughtful, creative play
  • Improved mini-games for arcade fans

Release Name: Doodle.God.Genesis.Secrets.v1.0-TE
Size: 230,09 MB

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