PC OptiClean 4.1 Multilanguage | 3 Mb
PC OptiClean is a recommended solution to help eliminate common PC problems such as errors, blue screens, sluggish behavior and much much more. PC OptiClean can help your PC run like new again!
After you install, you will notice a scan start automatically. No changes will be made at this time. PC OptiClean is merely analyzing the health of your computer.
Registry Entries
Temporary Registry Values
Temporary Internet Files
Visited Pages
Logs of Conversations in Skype, Yahoo and more
Junk Files
Invalid Shortcuts
Performance and Optimization settings
Programs Loaded at Startup
Security Issues
PC OptiClean is compatible with Microsoft® Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista®, and Windows XP
Home Page – http://www.pcopticlean.com/features.php
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