
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream GoG Classic-I_KnoW

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游戏的进行过程有些沉寂,几乎都是主角一人向内心封闭的世界做探索和斗争。操作界面不复杂,所有动作只限于行走(Walk to)、观察(Look at)、拿取(Take)、使用(Use)、交谈(Talk to)、咀嚼(Swallow)、交给(Give)、推动(Push)8个动作,这8个指令整齐地安排在屏幕的左下方,新手也能很快地入门。这些指令与物品栏占了屏幕的三分之一,颇有些过分。游戏中的许多物品很小,虽然与主角的比例是正确的,但很容易与背景相混淆。游戏左下角人物头像框背景颜色会因主角的情绪反应而变化,体现了游戏中这5个主角内心世界的惨痛经历和隐私。开始时的背景呈黑色,当主角逐步战胜心魔后,就会变浅变亮;当主角遭受打击挫折时,又会变深。因此在游戏中要避免接触该角色内心的苦楚,否则主角可能会发疯。



FIVE DAMNED SOULS: Buried deep within the center of the earth, trapped in the bowels of an insane computer for the past hundred and nine years. Gorrister the suicidal loner, Benny the mutilated brute, Ellen the hysterical phobic, Nimdok the secretive sadist, Ted the cynical paranoid.

ONE CHALLENGE: The adventure plunges you into the tortured and hidden past of the five humans. Delve into their darkest fears. Outwit the Master Computer AM in a game of psychological warfare. Disturbing, compelling. An adventure you won’t easily forget !!

BONUS CONTENT INCLUDED: The Making of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream and a full 54 track Soundtrack composed by Legendary composer John Ottman (Check your Steamapps/common/IHNMAIMS/ folder after downloading the game)

  • Assume the roles of five different characters, each in a unique environment
  • Challenging dilemmas dealing with powerfully charged emotional issues
  • Provocative psychological and adult-oriented themes
  • Based on Harlan Ellison’s short story “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”, one of the ten most reprinted stories in the English language
  • Full digitized speech with over 40 different characters and state of the art animation
  • Harlan Ellison as the voice of the insane master computer, AM.

Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Night Dive Studios
Developer: Cyberdreams

Release Name: I.Have.No.Mouth.and.I.Must.Scream.GoG.Classic-I_KnoW
Size: 915,62 MB

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