
Anime Studio Pro v. x86/x64

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Anime Studio Pro原名MOHO,是制作2D动画的专业软件,它提供了多种高级动画工具和特效来加速工作流程。Anime Studio Pro可以实现在二维软件中很难实现的摄影机功能,把三维软件OBJ文件直接使用在二维系统,并实现各种不同角度的自由旋转,宛如三维动画一样,极大地方便了动画创作人员和工作人员的创作思想,大幅度减轻了劳累量,其中Common sense工具集为专业人士而设计,用于创建角色,骨骼和骨骼绑定,新增唇型同步和音频信息。
Anime Studio Pro最突出的革新成果就是实现了用骨骼系统操作各种复杂动作,并完成中间动画自动生成和自动着色,使多年来许多从事动画专业的专家和工作人员梦寐以求的现代化工具成为现实。

Title: Anime Studio Pro 11 Win x64

Bring your imagination to life! Anime Studio is your complete animation program for creating 2D movies, cartoons, anime and cut out animations. Create your own desktop animated shorts in the style of South Park Studios?, Nickelodeon Animation Studios?, Cartoon Network Studios?, Disney Animation Studios? or use it to produce animations for film, video, commercials or streaming over the web. Anime Studio has everything you need to make amazing, professional animations.
Anime Studio Pro 11 is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to traditional animation. The intuitive and affordable feature set offers a solution to traditional animation tasks that are not available anywhere else at the same price point. With an intuitive interface, a visual content library and powerful features such as a bone rigging system, Smart Bones?, frame-by-frame animation, layered PSD import from Adobe? Photoshop?, bitmap to vector conversion, integrated lip-synching, 3D modeling, physics, motion tracking and more, Anime Studio Pro 11 delivers advanced animation tools to speed up your workflow.

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