
Calvino Noir-CODEX

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黑色电影不仅是不少影迷的最爱,以此风格制作出的游戏也受到了很多玩家的青睐。如果你也是黑色电影的粉丝的话,那么就千万不要错过这部名为《黑白雨夜(Calvino Noir)》的游戏。

在这款横版游戏中,玩家将要操控多个角色,不断通过巧妙的躲避与精细的暗杀完成自己的目标。而其画面则采用了经典的黑色电影风格,光是这画面就能营造出一种迷雾重重的感觉。在不久前游戏制作人Dan Walters还为我们带来了这款游戏的发售日期:PS4版将会在本月25日登陆北美,26日登陆欧洲。《黑白雨夜(Calvino Noir)》同样会登陆iOS与PC平台,日期则很可能是本月27日。

CODEX has released the game “Calvino Noir” for Windows . Enjoy

The film noir stealth game. Calvino Noir is the exploratory, sneaking adventure through the 1930s European criminal underworld. Architecture meets Noir as you become unwillingly entangled in a revolutionist plot.


  • Seven levels splits across three acts
  • Fully voiced rich and immersive narrative
  • Stunning visual style inspired by classic film noir cinema
  • Explore a richly detailed and atmospheric world.
  • Co-ordinate multiple unique characters with a range of skills
  • Use stealth or brute force to face those that stand in your way.

Publisher: Calvino Noir Limited
Developer: Calvino Noir Limited
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Release name: Calvino.Noir-CODEX
Size: 866 MB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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