
Red Faction Armageddon Complete-PROPHET

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Volition制作的《红色派系》系列推出迄今已有10年的历史,这款科幻射击游戏让玩家登上火星展开恣意破坏。前作《红色派系:游击战队》以高画质、更进步的场景破坏要素备受好评,Volition也乘胜追击,公布了续作《红色派系:世界末日(Red Faction:Armageddon)》,把反法西斯的工人革命拉抬到全新的高度:对抗外星人。

故事上,《红色派系:末日审判》以前作主角的孙子Darius Mason为核心,在Darius的年代,火星地表遭到不明陨石袭击,迫使殖民者避居地底的矿坑。好死不死,这时Darius无意间放出了沉眠火星地底的邪恶外星种族,造成了殖民者陷入灭亡危机,这也正是游戏标题「Armageddon(末日)」的由来。在《红色派系:末日审判》里,玩家的首要目标不再是来自地球的邪恶压迫者,而是火星地底的恐怖外星人。

虽然《红色派系》系列是科幻背景,但这种天外飞来一笔外星人的突兀程度简直像是史蒂芬史匹柏跳出来公布《抢救雷恩大兵》的续集将以宁静海登陆战为背景似的,不过Eric Barker向我们保证,屠杀外星人保证玩起来比听起来有趣许多:《红色派系:末日审判》的目标在于营造比《游击战队》更强大的爽快感,杀异形只是众多改变中的一环。

Description: Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.
When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.
Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work–if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.
When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet–and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.
Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.


        • Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
        • Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
        • Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
        • Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
        • Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.


Publisher: Nordic Games
Developer: Volition
Genre: Action
Release name: Red.Faction.Armageddon.Complete-PROPHET
Size: 8.55 GB
Links: SteamNTiNFO

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