ProgeCAD是PROGESOFT公司出品的一款完整支持2D/3D的CAD软件。以最新的IntelliCAD 6为引擎,其包含了大量非常重要的新特征和质的提高,更方便为客户提供空前的稳定性和速度。它是第一款专注于提高速度设计的软件,例如针对visualization purposes处理,最快可以比以前的版本快80%左右,支持CTB文件的打印,无需任何转换的支持DWG文件,针对AUTOCAD系列提供了全新的更加便捷的GUI支持。
progeCAD, is an AutoCAD® compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD® DWG files from AutoCAD® 2.5 through AutoCAD® 2017! The best solution for AEC, MCAD and all generic CAD usages.
progeCAD’s original format DWG ensures a complete compatibility with AutoCAD® WITHOUT ANY FILE CONVERSION and without loosing any critical information. progeCAD lets you export drawing files both in DWG and DXF drawing file format.
progeCAD supports an interface complete with “AutoCAD® – Like” Classic icon and Ribbon menus and “AutoCAD® – Like” commands.
progeCAD Professional is general-purpose 2D and 3D design software useful for CAD field & concept sketch. It offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD® and Direct Modeling in native .dwg. progeCAD is so much more than an alternative! progeCAD offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT at a fractional price to AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD® or Microstation®.
New amazing features:
Ribbon Interface, 64 Bit, MultiCore support, new editing commands, improved features, progeCAD Cloud and more..
2017 new features
DWG 2017 support
Support for DWG from 2.5 to 2017 versions
Windows RIBBON-style user interface
Now progeCAD supports both common Menu interfaces: the Classic one based on the standard toolbar and the new up-to-date Ribbon-based menu as of Microsoft Office® or AutoCAD®
Ribbons use tabs to expose different sets of controls, eliminating the need for many parallel toolbars. Customizable through CUI Files.
64 Bit and Multicore support
progeCAD 2017 evolves to offer native 64-bit and multi-core support with improved memory management. Handling of large drawing files gets much more efficient on 64-bit machines, while performance when opening or regenerating progeCAD drawing files has been enhanced by 1.5 – 3 times on multi-core computers.
PointCloud Import
Import and display PCG or ISD data files from 3D laser scanners. Point Clouds can serve a wide range of purposes, including creation of 3D CAD models out of manufactured products, for metrology/quality inspection, and in a multitude of visualization, animation, rendering and mass customization applications.
Table Styles
To create and easily format Tables in drawings. A table style enables to specify different cell styles for each row allowing to display different justification and appearance for text and gridlines. Tables are formatted according to their styles and you can apply to individual cells, rows,or columns your formatting overriding the formatting that comes from the table style.
New Commands
DWG Converter
DWG Converter is a new tool introduced to facilitate the files interchange with other DWG/DXF/DNG-based CAD software. Allows to easily convert drawings between different DWG,DXF,DGN versions.
DWF/DWFx Converter
converts DWF and DWFx files to fully editable drawings in the following file formats: DWG, DXF, DAE, DGN, 3DS
Improved files interchange and DWG compatibility
Import Collada (.dae files)
Improved support for DGN overlays, Civil3D, ADT, and mechanical object enablers
Improved Open .dgn files by converting them into .dwg files
New Advanced Polyline Grips
Stretch, add vertex and convert the segment into arc
Dynamic blocks improved grips
Extended support for Dynamic Blocks editing options
Print to DWF/DWFx files
Export drawings to the standard DWF and DWFx formats using PC3 printers
Attach compressed raster images
MrSID MG4 compressed raster images supported
Support for RGB and index color value
All color-related system variables support RGB and index color value
.NET API with user drawing interaction support (AutoCAD® compatible)
Home Page– http://www.progesoft.com
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