
Mugen Souls Z-CODEX

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《无限灵魂Z(Mugen Souls Z)》是Idea Factory制作的一款角色扮演游戏。游戏以究极神创造的“十二皇界”为背景,主角为了封印究极神而踏上冒险的舞台。本作的故事紧接着游戏初代剧情,你将控制女神Syrma,她在初代故事结束后正好与Chou-Chou见面。据说是为了阻止一个刚刚觉醒的古老威胁来到她的世界。这一次,玩家等级上限将上升至9999级,伤害值也会提升至几十亿。Syrma将在天界进行这次全新的冒险,到时她的同伴和成群的Shampurus也会隆重登场。

Chou-Chou and the gang return in this brand-new S-RPG sequel with a new story and even cuter, super-powerful, godly action and adventure! Lady Chou-Chou must rely on the abilities of an all-new ultimate goddess, Syrma, as she tries to stop this ancient threat to her world.


  • Tactical 3D battles featuring turn-based combat, dozens of unique skills and game-changing crystals
  • Explore expansive worlds, defeat dangerous enemies and expand your party using your unstoppable charm and superior skills!
  • Charm your enemies into doing your bidding! Transform monsters into ‘Shampurus’ to power up your spacefaring G-Castle!
  • Create your own ‘Peons’, boost their skills and fuse your creations to create the ultimate party!
  • The Mugen Field returns! Featuring stacks of challenges and near-infinite levelling possibilities!
  • Featuring full mouse and keyboard support, gamepad support, Steam achievements, User Interface and other graphical enhancements!

Publisher: Ghostlight LTD
Developer: Idea Factory
Genre: Adventure, RPG, Strategy

Release name: Mugen.Souls.Z-CODEX
Size: 4.07GB
Links: SteamNFO

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