
Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice-RELOADED

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《地狱之刃:塞娜的献祭》是一款由Ninja Theory制作的动作游戏。游戏中,女主很像团队此前的《天剑》的角色,能够操控复活之术,可能正是“地狱之刃”的武器的技能。主角塞娜是一个战士,据说名字来源于凯尔特人所崇拜的女神本作的场景设计延续了《DmC:鬼泣》中的Limbo风格,据说都是以精神病人眼中看到的地狱为景象创作的,喜欢动作风格游戏的玩家不要错过。

From the makers of Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and DmC: Devil May Cry, comes a warrior’s brutal journey into myth and madness. Set in the Viking age, a broken Celtic warrior embarks on a haunting vision quest into Viking Hell to fight for the soul of her dead lover.

Ninja Theory is calling Hellblade an “independent AAA” game, by which they mean that it will be developed and published independently but with all the quality and production values of any AAA game on the market. According to Ninja Theory, over the course of the last 14 years they have developed three key strengths that define their games: ninja-class combat, strong character stories, and a unique art vision. In Hellblade, they want to take these three key strengths to the next level. Hellblade will be an experience focused on delivering a deep character in a twisted world, with brutal uncompromising combat.

The game was announced at Sony’s Gamescom 2014 media briefing on August 12, 2014, where a trailer was shown. Hugues Giboire, who is the art director of previous Ninja Theory game Heavenly Sword, also returned to work on the game. A Microsoft Windows version of the game was announced on 9 January 2015. Ninja Theory said they are considering 4K resolution and mod support for the Windows version. The first “Early In-Development” gameplay was shown “Closed Doors” on Gamescom 2015 and after that published on Ninja Theory YouTube channel.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Ninja Theory

Release name: Hellblade.Senuas.Sacrifice-RELOADED
Size 12.9GB
Links: SteamNFO

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