
MP3 Tag Expresss 6.9.5 + Portable

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MP3 Tag Expresss 6.9.5 + PortableMP3 Tag Expresss 6.9.5 + Portable

MP3 Tag Express是一款实用的软件,它能够轻松大规模的编辑MP3文件的标签。还能复制与自动标记音乐CD的MP3文件。

MP3 Tag Expresss 6.9.5 + Portable | 6.1 MB

MP3 Tag Express is a music tag editor that specializes in mass-modifying music tags and bulk-renaming files. Built using a wealth of editing functions, this program will enable you to edit the music tags for your audio files with ease and speed, turning hours of work into minutes. People with limited technical knowledge will appreciate the simplicity of its design, while the technically advanced will appreciate its flexibility, efficiency, and advanced power features.

Ease of use

– “Windows Explorer” style navigator for convenient and familiar file navigation.
– Help tutorials that demonstrate how to get the most out of this product.
– Customize font settings for list, buttons, and other display elements.
– Advanced, simple, and minimalist display modes.


– Operate on multiple files across multiple folders at the same time.
– Roll-back all tag and file name changes using unlimited Undo.
– Copy and mass-paste between different tags.
– Tagging and Numbering Power

Mass change artist, composers, album, genre, year, cover artwork, etc.

– Powerful mass-applied character and text substitution/removal for many files at once.
– Mass name tags from files and vice-versa using cloning functions and bulk copy/paste.
– Intelligent number trimming and re-numbering functions for file names, titles, and track numbers.
– Arrange and re-number hundreds of tracks at once, perfect for audio books.
– Easily lookup, import, or copy cover art and paste it to many files at once.

File Renaming Power

– Powerful file renaming and file move/copy. Quarantine annoying files to a jail folder.
– Bulk rename multiple files to a single name with automatic prefixed or appended numbering.

Flexible Internet Music Lookup

– Flexible Internet lookup for album details, including cover artwork, track titles, composers, and lyrics.
– Automatically lookup track details, including artwork and lyrics, based on how tracks sound.
– Copy, paste, display, edit, print, and batch lookup song lyrics from the Internet.

Additional Value Features

– Rip audio music discs with one click to a series of automatically named and tagged mp3 files.
– Permanent Gain adjustment for mp3 files, featuring full hardware compatibility for all players.

Home Pagehttp://www.mp3tagexpress.com/

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